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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Aye. Rotten club. Like a tramp that won the lottery. Hopefully their owners will get bored soon enough
  2. Presume food/beer is ridiculously expensive at the New White Heart Ground?
  3. Good job we don’t need to win this. 1-3 - another frustrating game with shit refs and cheating cunt players.
  4. This. Got fuck all to do with the quality of the opposition of you can’t pass the ball to a team mate.
  5. What? Arsenal have the third best home record in the league, the fuck are you expecting? At that point in the game, we looked poor. What’s the mystery
  6. He’s been saying some interesting things in the press about competing with the top 6. Certainly sounds more promising.
  7. Wish one other team - Burnley/Cardiff would just fuck off
  8. toon25


    Hoping that cunt will be replaced soon enough. Angus Gunn seems to be a talent and has a far better attitude that that fat prick.
  9. toon25


    Do folk think the transformation in the side has been by luck or judgement?
  10. toon25


    I remember when the Czech Rep used to be a great side. Just a load of FM regens now.
  11. Millwall in the semi finals. Grim. Will doubtless be a Wolves-Shitty final. In which case I hope both the fuckers implode.
  12. Bless him. Means a lot to him, this club. A nice chap by all accounts.
  13. toon25

    Dogawful Officiating

    Mike Dean never goes a game without making himself the centre of attention/the source of some controversy. He’s desperate for an invite on I’m a fucking Celebrity. The sooner he goes there, the better, the fucking tumour of a referee.
  14. toon25

    Dogawful Officiating

    Appalled at Mike Dean. Aperplectic, in fact. Should have won today, against 10 men, with at least a penalty in our favour. The man is obviously bias as fuck.
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