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Everything posted by toon25

  1. What happened to limbombe?
  2. From his videos the things that I noticed are he mostly plays from the left, and though his right foot is his preferred foot, he uses both feet well, also has a nice shot on him when cutting in from the left. Doesn't seem to directly take people on much, but links up and plays some nice one-twos to set himself free into space. Seems nippy too, but not necessarily super fast. Looks alright. Looks to have more cleverness about him than Murphy. Mixes it up a bit more. Aside from the obvious lack of support in case Rondon gets injured, I’d love to see another central midfielder brought in.
  3. I reckon Fulham will stay up
  4. Could have done with an injury to Son tonight tbh
  5. What results do we want tonight?
  6. Couldn't be a better time to play Spurs imo
  7. toon25

    Miguel Almirón

    Was hoping fat Mike would give him a call this month when Rafa walked. Bitter cunt.
  8. toon25

    Miguel Almirón

    They definitely tried for a loan first, didn’t they? Were told to fuck off and then Atlanta showed their hand by buying another DP meaning Mike could swoop in.
  9. No takers for this waster then? Not even a hint of a rumour.
  10. toon25

    Andreas Samaris

    We could do with another CM - hope this guy comes in.
  11. toon25

    Antonio Barreca

    Does anyone know anything about him?
  12. Didn’t they only get the rights last summer? Any idea where it’s likely to go?
  13. Would likeyto think that with a bit more quality around him Kenedy might be able to step up his fucking game, but would love to see a CM, LB and a striker to come in. Whether Carroll is viable, I’m not sure, but he’ll be on big wedge that Mike won’t pay. We’re fucking desperate for a backup option to Rondon. He’s essential to the way we play so if he’s out for any amount of time, we’re fucked
  14. Love him. Stepped up when it matters, and showed great composure.
  15. He’s on big bucks at West Ham
  16. Too little, too late. Desperately need a striker, a left back and a midfielder
  17. If Rafa walks, Fat Sam will be back just to piss us off even more.
  18. Agree with Kets there. Also getting to the point where I just feel sorry for him to be honest. He’s a fucking decent bloke who despite being taken for a ride has continued to maintain high standards and behave with decency. Just look at that he condolence letter he sent a few pages back. Can’t say that I’d have done the same in his position. I’d have packed it in/gone off sick a long time ago. He’s being stopped from doing his job at the end of the day. Whoever is there tomorrow needs to sing this guy’s name for 90 minutes. Fucking legend of a man.
  19. I think he's gone Does sound very ominous. What a fantastic cauldron of ‘fuck you’ to the fat cunt. No signings and Rafa gone - there’ll surely be repurcussions. And it seems as though that cunt Justin Barnes gets a very easy ride indeed. Since he came in it seems like he’s put the blockers in spending anything.
  20. I feel sorry for Rafa. Looks like a man that’s absolutely had enough. The fact he’s trying to go about it without throwing his toys out of the pram says a great deal about his professionalism. Wherever he goes, I’ll be following.
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