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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Another Steve cunting McLaren signing, wasn’t he?
  2. Will be a good marker for the season if we can get a result. We lost one too many of these type of games last year.
  3. Positive signs. Lack of squad depth plain for all to see however. Thanks Mike, you fat cunt.
  4. A decent no.10 is one of the most important cogs in Rafa’s system, and we’ve got one player who plays there.
  5. Why was Hamann sold? Batshit mental to get rid of him at the time.
  6. People criticising Rafa for trying to stay calm and steady the ship, man. What’s he supposed to say?
  7. 2/10 Same problems still haven’t been addressed. No squad depth and lacking in quality in key areas (no 10, LB, ST). Still overly reliant on our first 11 being good enough whilst teams were expected to compete with completely blow us out of the water.
  8. toon25

    Jacob Murphy

    Agreed. Needs some pitch time and confidence.
  9. I wish sone vile, terminal, cock rotting diseases on cunts like Pennant and Ashley fucking Cole.
  10. Can’t say that am not jealous of some of Fulham’s signings. But am surprised that Jokanovic has pretty much bought an entirely new team. Will be interesting to see if they can gel - both Brighton and Huddersfield kept a core of players together that brought them up and that team spirit saw them through last season.
  11. Should have been in for Lucas Perez at £4 million. But who needs depth.
  12. toon25

    Paul Dummett

    Solid defensively, but shit scared of the ball.
  13. Lazaar and Gamez cost pennies in comparison to the prices players go for today.
  14. Am actually most concerned about CM tbh. We can shift around at the back and put square pegs in round holes if need be, but in CM we’re fucked if Shelvey or Diame are crocked/drop form.
  15. Fucking brilliant. Kudos to the guys behind it. Love it. Absolutely. I’m confident this cunt will be fucking off soon. The ball is well and truly rolling in a meaningful direction and people are coming together. We are one city. We are united.
  16. Are Wolves going to be FFP’d at some point? Both reasonable prices for Dendoncker and Zinchenlo in today’s market, that said.
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