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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Am actually most concerned about CM tbh. We can shift around at the back and put square pegs in round holes if need be, but in CM we’re fucked if Shelvey or Diame are crocked/drop form.
  2. Fucking brilliant. Kudos to the guys behind it. Love it. Absolutely. I’m confident this cunt will be fucking off soon. The ball is well and truly rolling in a meaningful direction and people are coming together. We are one city. We are united.
  3. Are Wolves going to be FFP’d at some point? Both reasonable prices for Dendoncker and Zinchenlo in today’s market, that said.
  4. toon25

    The Magpie Group

    Am coming up especially.
  5. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    Fucking thumb cunt.
  6. Derek ‘death’ Wright was supervising the op.
  7. Like him as a player, but they’ll be wanting over £15 million is think so no chance there.
  8. Yeah thats what I thought, he cut the bonus and set an impossible target with minimal spend on the squad. Making it impossible to achieve. Ashley is some kind of throwback to a Victorian work house owner out of a Dickens novel, he seems to forget we live in a world with social media where everyone and anyone can communicate now. His lies and deciet are now catching up with him. That’s even worse than I thought. What a cunt
  9. What absolute shit that radio station is. Lambasting the players for wanting more in bonuses. Wonder if they’d have the same approach if Pep’s Man City were in the same predicament.
  10. Need another winger like.
  11. Did Barca really offer Mina and Gomes (+£45m) for Pogba? Nee chance that was ever going to be accepted. Wonder if he’ll instruct that fat mess of an agent to push for the move now.
  12. In a quiz atm - need a hand. Who are the NUFC number 9s since Shearer? Can think of Oba, Carroll, Cisse, Gayle and now Rondon. Any others?
  13. Didn’t realise Frazier Campbell was still a professional footballer.
  14. Sweepstakes on what’s going to go wrong this time? I’ll go for an injury to a centre back and a legitimate goal ruled out.
  15. He wasn't 29 in October. Typo. Thanks for letting me know.
  16. Didn’t realise he was 29 in October. He’s simply not done enough to take his opportunity at this level, sadly. He’s a step up from your consistent Championship goalscorers like Grabban, but he’s not quite up to leading the line in the PL.
  17. Would love to be a fly on the wall in the conversation between Rafa and Ashley. The fat cunt strikes me as someone that would nod along, agree to Rafa’s demands and then do fuck all and ignore his calls.
  18. He wouldn’t be replaced. We’d be left with Murphy/Atsu, both offering close to fuck all.
  19. On a totally unrelated note, his brother was in my year at school. He was abhorrent. Lasting memory of that scum bag was in a school PE lesson when I was clean through on goal with no keeper to beat and the cunt just came up behind and jacked my legs away. Wanker.
  20. Hayden is nowhere near adequate backup in the PL sadly.
  21. Don’t know what the fuss is about with Ings, like.
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