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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Can't see a win, sadly. We'll play poorly and draw. Pardew safe for another week.
  2. Grass is always greener and all that. Not saying he's not a good manager but I'd see no reason to sack Pardew in order to bring in Adkins. If we lose out next two games though (which I bitterly hope we don't) then fair enough sacking Pardew and looking at someone else. Given the penchant of our owners to find cheap replacements, and given the alternatives of those out there if Ashley and Dekka do decide to grow some balls and bin Pardew, Adkins would certainly top my list of potential candidates to fill the role.
  3. Have wondered that myself. Hopefully the more discerning football connoisseur would realise how shit we've been and how utterly abysmal some of our stats are.
  4. He actually understands the virtues of playing the ball on the deck for a start.
  5. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    Having read a few bits and pieces floating around, I'm almost certain the fact that he was told he'd play through the middle at QPR also had a degree influence. In addition to the £££ of course.
  6. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Agree with every word.
  7. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Bloody hell. That's filled me with rage, that. Hardly inspiring your side with confidence going into a big game, is it? That's a despicable comment, frankly. Fucking bin this absolute cretin whilst we've a fighting chance.
  8. Would trade a couple of new faces for a new manager at this moment, like. Am convinced a more competent coach could get the best out of this bunch to keep us up.
  9. Rather Marseilles than fucking QPR. Unsustainable though their recruitment policy might be, they're building up a fairly decent cohort of players there imo. Short of a centre back and another striker, but there's no reason to believe that they'll go down if wobbly chops can get them playing.
  10. We nearly did but the fat bucket of shit won't be going anywhere until he's had his money back, then some.
  11. Phil Dowd has an eminently punchable, fat, face.
  12. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    If we don't see any significant investment in the side, the shit is really gang to hit the fan.
  13. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    That's a brilliant video. Shame that ball didn't take off his head.
  14. Not what we need, really, but he's a body and he's not Shola.
  15. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    Yes. He's a cunt. An immoral wheeling dealing cunt.
  16. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    Should've been locked up. Either that or appointed England manager - one cunt working for a collection of cunts, managing a bunch of cunts.
  17. I'm not disputing that, just saying that the money earmarked for Remy probably won't go on someone else. Not in this window, anyway. Oh, aye. In absolute agreement, Dave. There's no way similar money will be spent on target #2, providing there is one of course which, given our track record is highly unlikely.
  18. The fact they were willing to spend big on him suggests they clearly thought a lot of Remy. Even more disappointing tbh.
  19. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    fernandes doesn't have THAT much money. He won't support them in 5 years time. They have to be in the CL with the wages they have within a few years. Exactly - he'll have spent his entire net worth within a year or two at this rate. Can't see them getting much debt from banks. It is a disaster waiting to happen. One of the Mittals owns a third of QPR. Nuff said about where their money will be coming from. He was around before Fenandes though, iirc and QPR were not spending big bucks then. Only when this guy came along a couple of years ago did their spending reach ridiculous levels. They've not the infrastructure or support base to sustain this level of spending for long. Th sooner they fuck off back to obscurity the better.
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