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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Hope we continue in the same vain in the second half - absolutely delighted to know we're playing great stuff. Is it time to tie Owen down to a new contract before the summer?
  2. What a fucking joke - 'impartial' my arse, why do they dislike us so?
  3. I think it's great that KK has seen this as a 'big game' - hopefully his words will have been intended to warn off complacency. He's clearly gearing the boys up for this one
  4. Reading will be up for this and Coppell will have drilled them well and prepared them to adapt to defending against our system. Sincerely hope to win but I don't think it'll be a walkover. Heart says 1 or 2-0, head says this one may be a draw
  5. I cannot believe it! I chose to ignore the optimism of people on here - how wrong I was. Having an irrational dislike of these cunts I'm so pleased that we saved our best performance this season for them!!!!! I knew we'd get a 'surprise' result before the season was over!
  6. Am so sick of the bias on 5Live - every fucking time the 'darling' spuds play the 'neutral' fan is treated to an exposition of how they are 'the most able team to break into the top 4' - fucking ridiculous
  7. Get the fuck in!!!! Yeeeeaaahhhh!!!!! I can't believe it. Let's just make sure that we don't let those fuckers get back. Full credit to KK for changing the line up a few weeks back and for sticking with three up top.
  8. No impact players there if we're having a shitter - here's hoping we don't!
  9. toon25

    Today's other games

    Bollocks - Reid = fat cunt On a more positive note, come on Pompey!
  10. toon25

    Today's other games

    Thank fuck for that!!! Those Bolton cunts deserve everything they get!
  11. toon25

    Today's other games

    Come on City and Blackburn! Would be ace going into tomorrow without the pressure of a 'must win' game
  12. toon25

    Today's other games

    Come on the Arse - fucking hammer those bastards!
  13. toon25

    Has Viduka

    Hardly fair though, is it? Keegan has been on a jock diet for quite a while. That'll bung you up. Of our squad there's only really Alan Smith who puts more effort into producing shit. bluelaugh.gif
  14. But the real issue is whether the decision to replace him in mid season with someone who is not obviously better was correct. And when I say not obviously better lets not forget we are talking about someone who has not managed for 3 years and whose only spell of real success ended 11 years ago. Unless they were confident of landing a replacement with a proven track record (see Spurs) the decision to sack him when they did was an unjustified risk imo. Bang on. I couldn't stand Sam, never liked him or the shitty football that he was trying to inculcate. It left us needing to take two steps back in order to move one step forward. However, I was not in favour of KK's appointment, particularly at the time in which he was appointed. The poor bloke was thrown in right at the deep end with a squad low on confidence, high fan expectations (particularly due to the transfer window) and a tough set of fixtures. It was a huge risk and in my view was in no way an appointment that would improve the position of the club. There is no room for sentiment in football and sadly Ashley and Mort have fallen victim to past glories over prudency
  15. toon25

    Today's other games

    Talk about rubbing shit into the wound. Reading and Fulham came away with decent results and even Barnsley have had a go at the top sides
  16. Keegan needs to have a think about these bastards, we have 3 or 4 players every game who are s****, the worst thing is that it's the same ones most games. He won't do fuk all about it though as they train hard and give him no jip. Exactly. There is no point in hoping for an alternative because we know EXACTLY what the line up will be next game. It'll be the same old shit, just a different day
  17. Agree entirely. If we go down we've fuking deserved it - poor performances week in week out, no signings when they were needed extremely baffling selections and when the going gets tough, the shit fuk off and that's exactly what some our lot have done. No fight, no guts. At least some of the dross of the league have shown something of a desire to get going.
  18. No talent, no fight, no leadership, no fuking luck, particularly from other results - a shite day all round
  19. There is no room for sentiment in football and we are paying for it. I cringed when KK was appointed when rumours of Deschamps were being floated around. This is football Rocky fuking Balboa style without the triumph
  20. Come on man, I'm as confused about the selections as anyone, but that's just bollocks. I agree about the contractual obligation shite - it's wholly down to KK's ineptitude.
  21. We are the whipping boys of the league, THAT is the most irritating thing. I bet the top half sides rub their hands together when we go to their places.
  22. Smith and Butt are consistently bad. It's a fuking joke that they start every game! I'm fuking seething every time I see that ginger balding cunt in the starting line up. The thing is, I expect no different from KK now, he continually seems to hold the notion that these jokers were 'former champions'.
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