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Everything posted by sparta

  1. here is my report of the match! for once i can acually write an exellent performance from our lads! work effort were immense from all areas and we showed how good our squad can be on a good day! first i will mention some problem areas we`ve had before... 1.second balls! this entire season we have had major problems winning those second balls! however today this came quite easly, as we worked hard, and always put pressure on them! loved that 4-5 tackle scenario when milner got the ball in the end! did you guys notice how good we were at getting in the back of people as soon as they got the ball! usually this season we would have been one or two meters away from doing that! and, as you could see, both the goals came from winning the ball up high after pressure! so important! 2. Proper Passing game! still a major problem! but looks to a lesser extent a problem then before! barton has really cleared up thath part in midfield! however im still one of the believers that this will never be cleared up as long as butt is in the midfield! however we still have problems using our wingers correctly (at least the way i see it), geremi is not a right midfielder still, and it shows at the positions he recieves the ball, as he takes it back and in midfield instead of going head on... however! as i said, great game and we really showed that we can still be a force to be reconed with! wich we really havent done lately! Given 6 i think given could have taken the goal as the ball was finished straight for his head! however it came very fast and i can see why he missed it! (it was a great finish) except from that given had a farely good game! Beye 7 i think this was maybe the best game he has had for us, showed good skill on the ball, and very good coming forward! however a bit "wopsie" at times! but comes back every time! wich is very good! Taylor 8 Taylor had a massive finish! and its a bit funny see him doing that in so "important games", maybe a bit faulty on the positioning for the arse goal, but he makes it up with a massive performance! works extreamly hard, and you can see he loves to play for us Rozendahl 5 i think Rozendahl had a "ok" game, my main reason for giving him such a low score is he seemed extreamly uncomfortable on the ball, s*** delivery and did not have in that extent a good game at all! i would also question his Nzogbia 7 first of all AWFUL clearance for the first goal, but i think the ZOG had a good game still, acually saved us on a couple of occations! and was farely good going forward as well! we are showing the potential of a very offencive squad Geremi 6 was very close to giving him a 7, but no, he, as butt, looses the ball way too often in midfield! however he is a treath when he has the ball high up, as he is quite good at whipping that ball in! Butt: 6 i think hell be kissing taylors boots for a couple of days for saving him after that backpass.... however butt is still a good player, tackles good and is where he is needed... but i still think its a problem that he cannot pass the ball forward, and he cannot produce long balls as well (well... he did have one going for faye today) Barton 8 Starting to show what a player he can be for us! was everywere... showed good passing skills and extreme work rate! however could have been sendt off today, and i dont like that... would have been my MOM has it not been for Smiths performance! Milner 7 Still cant cross for s****, but makes it up with amazing running good game from Milner Martins 6 wasnt a treath at all today, and when he was, he was offside! still needs a bit of intelligence on the pitch... but as seen before... hes like a hidden treath.. suddenly puts in a goal... Smith 9 MOM im going to quote Mick on this one "You're right, Smith played the way I remember him during his time at Leeds, not a goal scorer but does so much damage with his all out play, he must play up front after what he shown tonight, by far his best game for us. "
  2. sparta

    Roy Hodgson

    he did a shit job in norway dough... but, dont see you have that much choise if you want an english manager....
  3. city have spendt alot more then newcastle
  4. i would take everyone exept from crouch, dont see him as a striker we need, and we would get for that matter
  5. i would love klinnsmann here! i think he is perfect
  6. or maybe carrol gets a recall
  7. pretty sure carrol gets a recall if oba gets injuried for longer than 3 weeks
  8. im watching norway-turkey! right now emre and john carew are talking and laughing in the tunnel funny as hell
  9. I repeat players from outside the EU zone. We would still have plenty of Euro players. Your argument cuts both ways Parky. Whilst true that the European players will still provide competition, if you follow the argument of limiting players outside EU because they stiffle development of English players, then on the same logic unlimited number of European players would do the same. In fact if anything there are far more European players in the Premier League than those outside of EU. Even if foreign players do stiffle development of English players, then it has to be an all or nothing proposal, you can't make arbitrary demarcation based on country or region. I personally think Gerrard is speaking horsecrap. The failure of the English team is not because English players are not good enough but they are unable to replicate club form when playing for the national team and that has nothing to do with the number of foreign players in the Premier League. Blaiming foreign players is a lazy excuse. i belive you should do somethings to limit foreign players, as done previously by age limits, you cant sign any foreign players until the age of 18 you would automaticly build a new basis.... but limit outside eu would be stupid, already done and wont prove any good as i would guess 90% of all foreign players in the prem is from inside the EU!
  10. if we still dont give a flying fuck about providing our strikerst with anything usefull,,, shit,,, sell every fucking one
  11. Viana Bramble Huntington! that would shurely transform the squad
  12. Was canny though at Chelsea. aye, a top striker in his day. when i say top i don't mean world class, but he could finish and was a very good striker. hes helping leeds now
  13. ok! ill try a post again! as i said after the port game, we need a proper passing game! the only time in the entire game we took the ball down and started passing it was after we went down 1-0!, what happened? we applied instant pressure becouse sunderland players were running after the ball, instead of just waiting for it to land! long balls is useless if we dont have a counter attack style (wich we dont have) and we dont have the players to use it! (i dont think viduka is a long ball man no) Second ball! once again second balls are something were still not winning! again except from the 15 min sprint from our boys! i still think if we get the passing game sorted we would get in better positions to recieve the second ball further up the pitch! something is for sure! we do have the players for a passing game in our midfield and in our strikers for sure!, a bit unsure about the passing game of our defenders as we always seem to lump that ball forward.... Harper, good game, but should have stayed on the line, or followed trough when he went out...(on the goal) seemed he got a bit hurt as after each goalkick he seemed to bend down and grab his stomach... or at least it looked like something was wrong! Zog looked a massive treath going forward, but had no support in means of passing one twos with the other players, and therfore never got to far up the pitch to make something out of it! Roz looked ok on the ball, bad decition to give the corner, but ok enough. Feye looked a monster again, aldough had some problems with jones at times! lovely one footed tackle in the first half. Taylor dont see why people have a tendency to get on his back again, i think he had a good game at RB, wich was about the only position who gave us anything going forward in the first half. and then was moved to CB wich i think he was very good at! contained jones very good, showed the type of aggression the entire team should have had! MOM Barton, SHIT first half, better at second when he got a bit of space, as i said again, rest him for a match or two, get him fit and fired up! meanwhile play gerimi! Smith invisible for almost the entire match, but when he had his game on he was quite impressive! Emre strange game for him, lost almost EVERY duell, but patched up things with a bit of passing! Milner Milners work rate is useless unless we pass a bit, that was shown in first half, second half much better and a fair goal for him. Viduka One good pass for owen, rest of the game he was shit in my eyes, looked unfit. Owen showed again what he can do with the ball, he just needs a bit of space! seems a bit dishearted, but who can blame him with all those long balls coming in! martins, should have been brought on earlier, no doubt about that. gerimi, not involved for the short time he was on beye, should start next game, looked very good and up for it when he came on!
  14. game over then, seems we waked up after 1-0, viduka should been brought off instead of owen! taylor or faye mom in my opinion! taylor where the only drive forward and its a bit strange when a RB has more drive forward than any other on the team!
  15. anoyone that has noticed that the only one with just a tuch of something going forward is taylor?
  16. yes, another one for rosenborg, skjelbreid and kone was having a field day with valencia.... loved when kone passed between david villas legs and tok the ball just funny
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