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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Speak from personal experiance there ?
  2. Remeber the man for who he was, not for what the club did to him. Happy Birthday SBR, forever missed
  3. Forgot about that, point still stands though. Plus gives us a beter chance to sort injurys FA Cup weekend isn't it?
  4. Crap imo. No real threat. +1 Kept getting caught offside. No suprise there than
  5. Fantastic result tonight, well played lads. Played as well Pardrew. Bolton at home this weekend. They have not won on the road since november, baring any big injurys should be anohter 3 points
  6. Give over man, as much as it pains me to type this. This team will be minus 1 or 2 of the players come next season.
  7. 3 central defenders, push the right/leftbacks forward on the counter. Simples
  8. If £10m went on strikers i would be more than happy, nevermind £30m
  9. And if parkys right money will be useless pritty soon anyway
  10. You only turn 21 once. I imagine it would be an experience he'll look back on in 20 years, with a big smile on his face. I can't even remember my 21st. Neither can I, but apparently i was there
  11. Hudson

    Shefki Kuqi

    It's just been on talk sport, that Kuqi though it was a joke when he was told Newcastle where looking to sign him
  12. Hudson

    Shefki Kuqi

    Come on man, it's just a body to fill in if needed. I know he's not a great player, but it's hardly a 'massive step backwards'. Andy Carrol => Shefki Kuqi Yeah no step backwards there
  13. Yeah that's true, but how many left back's have been torn apart by Arsenal this seaons ?
  14. Hudson

    Shefki Kuqi

    Yeah very strange that, considering he is garbage out there
  15. Hudson

    Shefki Kuqi

    Again going back to the I think you need to get your dose increased, if you believe what you typed I believe it and why shouldn't i ?, i like replies like yours, lacking in any counter points to my post, i must be on drugs because i refuse to see beyond the end of the world, okey dokey. I'm always up for a good debate, although the level a grammer will terrible.
  16. Hudson

    Shefki Kuqi

    I think you need to get your dose increased, if you believe what you typed
  17. robert left larissa today or recently i think Hey wouldn't mind having the frenchman back for the rest of the season. Could whip in a mean cross. Possibly, but who's head is it going on ?
  18. Hudson


    I pray to go your talking about the one on the left
  19. Jonas isn't a striker though. 2001–2007 Arsenal 29 (1) 2005 → Celtic (loan) 0 (0) 2005–2006 → West Ham United (loan) 7 (0) 2006 → Wolverhampton Wanderers (loan) 14 (2) 2007–2010 Middlesbrough 78 (11) Goals in brackets, that a s*** insurance policy Only Americans look at stats. Only idiots refuse to use stats to help make a decision. The fact is we have all see him play for a few years in the prem. He is garbage and the stats back that up.
  20. 2001–2007 Arsenal 29 (1) 2005 → Celtic (loan) 0 (0) 2005–2006 → West Ham United (loan) 7 (0) 2006 → Wolverhampton Wanderers (loan) 14 (2) 2007–2010 Middlesbrough 78 (11) Goals in brackets, that a shit insurance policy
  21. what if he isnt as good as Aliadiere? He would have to be really really really poor to not be as good as aliadiere
  22. Because we need bodies? How many fit strikers do we currently have? I think you missed the point 1) He's rubbish 2) he would need a wage, which would be wasted 3) He would never get a game, or even score a goal, because he's shite Totally pointless signing (if it happens).
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