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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    If you telling fibs, i'm gonna chuck you over the cliffs of dover
  2. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    I wouldn't be worried, Talksport are about as accurate as a Nicky Butt 70 yard pass. PMSL
  3. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Didn't just walk out on him tbh, walked out on us. Should have just went public with the story then Ashley would have had to either fire him or back him. Anyone with any sense would blame Keegan as well as Ashley. The above response spells out what he should have done. I know how much I love this club, Keegan says he loves this club, I know that I would NOT have done what he did and would have done something like what is suggested above. Someone who loved the club and the city and the supporters (in his position) would do a MILLION things, would do ANYTHING . . . rather than walk out on the club and supporters so soon after he came back to 'finish unfinished business'. I know that genuinly blind and almost obsessed Keegan lovers CAN NOT accept that he is even partially to blame. They just never will, which is a shame. If Keegan had of waited until he was sacked, he would have been entitled to even more money !!!! And you would have still been having a go at him for that as well, how about looking at Ashleys part for putting Keegan in the postion where he had to do what he did ? If he had waited to be sacked he would have got the same £2 million he got for being constructively dismissed. If thats the case then there was no point in him hanging around until he got sacked. Other than to please manorpark
  4. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    i don't see what barclays being happy with moats bid has to do with getting promotion. all barclays will be interested i is that their risk is viable regardless of wether we get promotion or not. Exactly which just adds to the fact that this new SA bidder story is Ashley propaganda so your mention of barclays is pointless. could have done completely without the second sentence. just trying to save some bandwidth (which ic could have done had i not posted thi..........d'oh) OK misread that this morning as Barclays bank Hudson, bans himself from posting early in the morning.
  5. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Didn't just walk out on him tbh, walked out on us. Should have just went public with the story then Ashley would have had to either fire him or back him. Anyone with any sense would blame Keegan as well as Ashley. The above response spells out what he should have done. I know how much I love this club, Keegan says he loves this club, I know that I would NOT have done what he did and would have done something like what is suggested above. Someone who loved the club and the city and the supporters (in his position) would do a MILLION things, would do ANYTHING . . . rather than walk out on the club and supporters so soon after he came back to 'finish unfinished business'. I know that genuinly blind and almost obsessed Keegan lovers CAN NOT accept that he is even partially to blame. They just never will, which is a shame. If Keegan had of waited until he was sacked, he would have been entitled to even more money !!!! And you would have still been having a go at him for that as well, how about looking at Ashleys part for putting Keegan in the postion where he had to do what he did ? Why?? We all know that Ashley is to blame for this . . . THAT is not at issue. What IS at issue is that there are some people who do not think that Keegan shares some of the blame. I repeat (!!!) he should not have resigned, he should have done what has been suggested - if he really loved the club as he says he does. So you accept that Ashely forced Keegan to walk by lying and undermining him on transfers, but Keegan should have stuck it out and waited for a even bigger fat wedge for getting sacked !!!! Have i got this right, because if i have then that would have been even worse for the club. As it stands he got a small payout (how much did fat sam get for getting sacked) and shown to the world how badly Ashley has been running this club.
  6. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    i don't see what barclays being happy with moats bid has to do with getting promotion. all barclays will be interested i is that their risk is viable regardless of wether we get promotion or not. Exactly which just adds to the fact that this new SA bidder story is Ashley propaganda
  7. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Didn't just walk out on him tbh, walked out on us. Should have just went public with the story then Ashley would have had to either fire him or back him. Anyone with any sense would blame Keegan as well as Ashley. The above response spells out what he should have done. I know how much I love this club, Keegan says he loves this club, I know that I would NOT have done what he did and would have done something like what is suggested above. Someone who loved the club and the city and the supporters (in his position) would do a MILLION things, would do ANYTHING . . . rather than walk out on the club and supporters so soon after he came back to 'finish unfinished business'. I know that genuinly blind and almost obsessed Keegan lovers CAN NOT accept that he is even partially to blame. They just never will, which is a shame. If Keegan had of waited until he was sacked, he would have been entitled to even more money !!!! And you would have still been having a go at him for that as well, how about looking at Ashleys part for putting Keegan in the postion where he had to do what he did ?
  8. exactly what I was thinking. LOL, should have told his players to keep stum http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/david-anderson/The-story-of-Phil-Brown-and-the-suicidal-woman-is-worthy-of-the-Kremlin-itself-article181991.html think it was Winston Churchill who once said that the Soviet Union was an enigma wrapped inside a riddle, hidden inside a Sudoku puzzle. OK, I made the last bit up, but the point he was making was that it was hard to figure out Joe Stalin and his cronies. Audiences with Phil Brown are a bit like dealing with the old Kremlin. You come out from his office at Cottingham not sure whether he's said something for effect or is just spinning you a yarn. Take his claim that he talked a woman out of committing suicide during a team-bonding walk with his Hull players on the Humber Bridge. It came from a flippant remark Brown made at the start of his press conference on Thursday morning and within 24 hours he was plastered all over the national media as some sort of hero. Never one to shy away from the limelight, by Saturday even Brown realised things had got out of hand and that it was all a bridge too far. "I just talk to anybody, me," he said sheepishly when asked about his 'heroics' after the win over Wigan. Brown's reticence was understandable, especially because the word from the dressing room was that there was no woman. The players walked behind Brown during their stroll on Wednesday and can't recall him speaking to any woman, let alone one who looked like she was about to end it all. Perhaps the players were mistaken and surely Brown wouldn't spin such a far-fetched yarn to divert attention away from himself and the team's terrible form?
  9. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Didn't just walk out on him tbh, walked out on us. Should have just went public with the story then Ashley would have had to either fire him or back him. OMG, give it a rest. Could have, should have, would have !!! Whats done is done, can we try to start looking forward, instead of going over again and again what's we cannot change Was just kidding.
  10. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Na looks more like Jean luke picard
  11. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Didn't just walk out on him tbh, walked out on us. Should have just went public with the story then Ashley would have had to either fire him or back him. OMG, give it a rest. Could have, should have, would have !!! Whats done is done, can we try to start looking forward, instead of going over again and again what's we cannot change
  12. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Sources close to Ashley said that even if he were willing to drop his asking price, a bidder would still need £100 million in order to invest enough to ensure Newcastle’s promotion to the Barclays Premier League next year. It's only a day ago since Barclays where happy with Moat, now he needs £100m to get promotion. I'M SORRY BUT THIS STORY IS TOTAL TOSH, It has been released by Ashley and his PR department to get Moat to up his price. Also this kinda poopoo's Sillious story's. If there was £100m in a bank from GS and crew why leak this story and not the GS story ?
  13. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    For the love of god, please say something rather than bloddy riddles and noncommittal statements. Thats all thanks.
  14. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    I think we will find out by the end of the week If not then
  15. I realise that, though votes aren't reliable. When I say the "majority" of posters agree with you, I mean the people who actually have a respectable opinion agree with you. A large proportion of the people who are voting are idiots or vote for the most desireable option. Personally, I'd rather have someone with billions. I might have had another view a year ago. I'm getting bored with the whole situation. I'm also getting a little tired of the way football is heading as I've posted about before, so a cash injection would make things a lot more uncertain, but a lot more exciting. When you say you are tired of the way football is heading, do you mean with clubs just spending silly money and having little or no morals or respect for the history of the game, the fans etc? In which case, why do you want us to be part of that? Digressing a bit here. I have no issue with any of the clubs who have money and are spending it on every player they could possibly attract, I would like to see us in that position. The problem lies is how it effects everybody else, it's detremental to their success. How would you feel to be an Everton fan? You've spent the duration of David Moyes' tenure waiting for progression and you've witnessed the club grow to a team that competes for the Europa League positions every single season. You are hoping you could have the possibility to try and challenge the Champions Leagues spots, then Manchester City come along within 12 months and buy probably your biggest asset, where do you go from there? You find another. Don't forget they bought Lescott from Wolves by taking advantage of their status and extra revenue. Not everyone can have a sugar-daddy (and if they did then nothing would have changed) so you have to accept that building is all you can do. Sounds ridiculous to say it in the context of football but it's not always about winning. Right now I'd love to be a mid-table Premier League team, with the possibility of pushing on a bit further and playing in Europe. Alright winning the league might be miles off but if you take that attitude towards the league (that without winning there's no point competing) then we might as well close all the clubs down and just have those with £1bn having their own mini-league. And even if we did have a ridiculous billionaire, there are only so many prizes. Chelsea for all they've spent can't win the Champions League. Arsenal haven't won anything in years yet I still adore their brand of football. Liverpool can't seem to get the league but they've won a few cups including that amazing Champions League win. All I want for now is for this club to punch its weight. That means getting us back in the Premier League and staying there. If Moat f***s off in three years time having left us mid-table and with a bunch of cash in his back pocket I won't begrudge him that. Thats a top drawer view of how i want things to be.
  16. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    e.g.? Avram Grant? Martin Yol Top draw spelling that one
  17. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    e.g.? Avram Grant? Martin Yol
  18. Good post that, we don't really know what the new owners financial strength is atm, until we do is crossed fingers time.
  19. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Your only allowed one wish a year, and that has been used to get rid of Ashley
  20. Yeah like they know what there talking about MAD BELIEF: Newcastle were relegated under Alan Shearer Tuesday October 6,2009 By Mick Dennis Have your say(1) BARRY Moat, the mug (sorry, the businessman and fan) trying to buy Newcastle United, hopes to step up negotiations in the next week. The resolution of the dispute with Kevin Keegan – the former manager wanted £27 million but the club were ordered to pay him only £2m – has removed the uncertainty hindering talks. It will be £30m by the end of the month
  21. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Don't disagree with you at all, but to be fair the point im trying to get across is the fact that there is other options, not just Shearer. Anyway if Moat does buy us then it's a given that Shearer will get the job.
  22. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    To much say in the dressing room during bobbys tenure, if you believe rumour. Which i think we all agree was the begining of the end. That's exactly what it is though - a rumour. And I'd also expect the club captain as having plenty say in the dressing room. Surely it's his job?! What is it with some people who support this football club? They choose to attack the very people that have done so much for it in the past - Keegan, Shearer and Sir Bobby to name three. Utterly bizarre. How is my opnion on moving forward an attack the 3 most important people on the last 15+ years in the clubs history. People need to stop the Shearer loving, he has show nothing to suggest he will be a good manager. Kestabia would be a better option due to his managment track record. We need somebody that can get us promoted, and stabalise the club is Shearer the man for that Job ?
  23. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    To much say in the dressing room during bobbys tenure, if you believe rumour. Which i think we all agree was the begining of the end.
  24. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Why not proven a manager rather than Shearer, we really need to move on from the past, and Shearer like it or not is historically part of this clubs problems.
  25. Hudson


    Makes no odds now anyway he's long gone. His job wasn't to tell the absolute truth and answer any question he was asked fully and frankly, no chairman of a big company would do that. Plus he was a Solicitor thay never tell the truth
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