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Everything posted by Bossman
Don't ever want to see wallcott in a black-and-white shirt again!
Actually thought Shola done well, held the ball up well.
Again we were shite, but to get so far and for Simpson to give them the ball and be on the floor when he should be getting back is shocking. Hope van persie breaks a leg.
Is this Sky or Liverpool TV? Fucking spunking over the scouse twats. It's less impartial when England play DCS
We're making them look good, doesn't help that Sky are spunking over them for some reason, shola has gotta come off.
Barca win, fergies nose to explode. Mancs to understand they've been the best of a bad bunch in the league this year. Ronnie irani shut up for 5 mins
Cant stand AG but this is a joke. Was listening to talkSport last night and some lass about said his comments caused domestic violence. Load of B*llocks! We should encourage females into football, if we tell them we want them to do it they wont. Just like the dishes.
Sunderland = Thick mackem fans , not even that bothered about the club. Quinn comes over as a decent bloke. Man U = Cant f*cking stand them, the club, the arrogance, the horrid fans, just everything about them turns my gut! Spurs = Not even sure why, not a fan of 'Arry, but one of the 1st results I look for and hope they've lost.
Really looking forward to this game for some reason! Anyone know if its on Italian Sky? If so will be able to see it in my local clurb!
Cracking result!! I think Forest did well until we scored like, could have really went either way . They had some half chances but there head dropped as soon as Shola scored.. Well done to BD, not often you see credit given (Wenger). Really pleased for Enrique, not just for the goal, but mainly for his and the other players reaction, absolute class/ F**kin' Come On!! Last push, make sure we're champions!
Hope I'm wrong but........ 0-1, them to score early doors, us not to have any reply. Crowd to get on teams back or even worse silence. Personally I just want a good performance, want to see some hunger.
From about the age of 10/11 so 1988, never went to a match until about age 13 (Testamonial for John Anderson). Actually went off them for a bit during the glory years (cousins and the likes who didnt really like football or supported liverpool or manure coming back and giving it large about how much they loved NUFC!). But back now, get to the odd home game.
No never. Lets all move on, KK had his day, he took us as far as he could. And remember this was bloody years ago, things have moved on, especially the Premiership. I dont believe Keegan could play the same we'll score more than you football anymore, couldnt pick an unknown player and bring them through. And really would you wanna be on tender hooks all the time, waiting for the breaking news banner on SSN telling us he's off down the A1 again, unhappy about this that or the other? Not me. I want to consolodate, get the club settled, build the squad back up. A young, keen manager, who's given time to prove themselves(Not necessarily Shearer). Even just a few months off the back pages would be a start.
Ever since he had his half time talk on the pitch in front of the fans 'who've paid to watch' debarcle, I've despised this bloke. I hope he doesnt get sacked, wanna see the perma tanned w**ker singing his song at the end of this season when they go down. Mackem tw**, etc etc etc :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Keegan vs Ashley and Co case settled - KK awarded 2m
Bossman replied to Taylor Swift's topic in Football
Glad its all over TBH, 2mil keeps everyone happy, enough for KK to crawl back into a hole and still be the 'principalled'(sp?) heart on sleeve victim, not so much that it overly hurts the club. Chapter closed... (Ha ha as if, I'm sure he'll serialise his story in the NoTW) -
Just do us all a favour, be sensible - press bad enough because of whats happening IN the club without us compounding the issue on the outside. Try and keep the mongs at the back, ask them to keep they're shoes on. And FFS if anyones doing signs take a dictionary! Good Luck
Just watching 'live pictures from oustide SJP'
Not shocked, but disappointed. Not bothered what the reasons are but once again NUFC in back to stage one. I think Keegan was fantastic 92 onwards and it'll be something that'll never be repeated, footballs moved on, dont think Keegan realised how much. Most of us were wanting some kind of repeat performance. TBH was never gonna happen. And Keegan told us that. Bye KK
How about from here to January we let the football do the talking, personally dont care if Keegan and Ashley hate each other. Lets get a few games under our belts and take them for what they are. Look at the performances. Not every win means that Keegan was right about everything and can p*ss champagne and not every loss means that Ashley, Wise and the others are the personification of Mackemdon. I dont want Keegan or the board to make a statement, cos it'll be staged to quieten the media/mongs. Lets f*uckin get on with it.
Howay lads...... pull yourselves together. We still dont know what happened, they way this forums been today, you'd think the bloke could walk across the pond in Leazes Park. I for one have had enough of nuggets outside SJP with banners, old clips of 'that' rant and slow motion vids of geordies biting their nails in epic games. Whats happened? Have we turned scouse? Look forward, its the only way we can go!
Just wondering, what would be people reaction if it wasnt Keegan making theses comment? If Fat Sam was still incharge and made the same comments, I think alot more of us would be unhappy with the message being given? Part of the thing that makes Keegan - Keegan is his enthusiasm and charisma...... If he loses that whats left?? Just my 2p's worth
Dont think anyone has disagreed that they were sh*te, but your talking out your arse. Players/Teams/Managers need time thats a fact. Keegan days are over..... Wake up and smell the coffee.
Last night was shocking, its been a long time since I've been so angry watching a game football. But knee-jerking gets nobody anywhere. Need to see what SA does from here, how he reacts to the performance and how the players react to him. Wouldnt like to be in his 'war room' reviewing this one. But need to see how the next 3/4 maybe even 5 games go and then make judgment from there.