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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Howard and Jason have always been the runts of the litter. On that forum gary has 5700 posts in his section, Mark has 2000. But the dreadlocked lisper and the ugly one only have 1600 between the pair of them.
  2. "And we'll be together, this time is forever We'll be fighting and forever we will be So complete in our love We will never be uncovered again " The Gallowgate can do the harmonies and the Milburn, East and Leazes can sing the main bits
  3. 55,000 at the game against Bolton singing "Back for Good" should persuade KK to sign on the dotted line.....
  4. come on kev it only takes a minute to get on the phone to Alan and say lets take that and party
  5. http://www.los40.com/los40media/los40/media/200506/01/actualidad/noticias/20050601l40l40not_23_I_SCO.jpg he's mental enough to take the job on though.....
  6. David Ginola can be the Robbie Williams. The lasses would be queing up to sit on his face but we'll still be successful without him rejoining the side. We could adopt that "Patience" song as the club anthem too !
  7. And on the subject of come backs.... Take That are selling out arena's and getting 50,000 knickers moist every night and they had pretty much done fuck all since 1995.
  8. After being sceptical at first I am now warming to the idea. Plus I can't see many other realistic options on the horizon. I don't buy all this "dream ticket" bollocks but I am starting to think that AS/KK would offer a degree of short term stability and we could build from there. For starters they are under no illusions about the nature of the job and both have an excellent understanding of the club. Which is vital given the universal agreement that NUFC is not a normal, well balanced club that is of sound mind and body..... My biggest fear is another 18 months of whinging and moaning followed by Hughes / Jol / McLaren etc being shown the door. And there's no way a world class manager will come now so we can forget the Hitzfeld / Mourinho etc wish list.
  9. I just hope someone tells Keegan to avoid sitting in his range ranger, in dark country lanes, when there's lads with baseball bats about.....
  10. I heard he makes all the players do five a side training in just their underpants. he then stands outside the showers and inspects every player as they come out to make sure they have washed their chuckies and bottys properly.
  11. my brother works in a job which gives him a lot of regular contact with influential people in and around NUFC. he was tipped off last Thurs that Mort had already met Keegan and subsequently stuck money on when the odds were still very long. people said he must be mad but then they odds got progressively shorter...... he is praying that his source got it right cos he'll be bang in the money !
  12. The Scotswood Hoody charva kru for starters........
  13. every cunt you see on the telly at Old Trafford appears to be a day tripper with their fingers constantly clicking on a digital camers. bunch of absolute cunts.
  14. Managerial target - "Whats the job like Graeme ?" Souness - "Brilliant, fantastic, best job I ever had" MT - "Excellent, why's that ?" Souness - "A multi-million pound pay off for doing fuck all, I laughed all the way to the bank" MT - "Great news. Same as what Big Sam said. Reckon I'll take the offer" Souness - "Good lad. If you're after a decent centre half I know this lad called Boumsong. Like Bobby Moore but better. Yours for only £15m, just give Bent Willy a call....."
  15. think you might be getting Osama confused with Elvis....
  16. http://blogs.britannica.com/blog/main/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/image2.jpg 1 - got the balls to take on the Dictator Bush and the Evil American Empire so might be brave enough to take our job. 2 - currently out of work 3 - got plenty cash so doesn't need much in wages 4 - total commitement to what he believes in. inspiring leader, great man manager and top notch motivational skills 5 - if he wanted to replicate his current cave dwellings in an uncivilised, war torn region then he could just live in one of the bombed out houses in scotswood Osama. He's the only choice.
  17. Guesses at the attendance ? if things stay the same on the manager front then I reckon 25,000 tops, including Stoke's 3-5,000
  18. looks like we'll now be 6 points off relegation zone with a difficult set of games coming up. nightmare.
  19. http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/gallery/2003/08/29/preid6.gif
  20. I heard Phillipe Albert and David Ginola have just arrived at Newcastle Airport. Barry Venison is also reported to be dusting down his boots too.....
  21. I thought he was official "vibemaster" responsible for building morale and team spirit by cracking jokes and keeping everyone amused. We'd be fucked without him.....
  22. Neither Gooness or Roedent could have managed Anelka effectively. I doubt he would have been here more than 6 months.
  23. he may have wiped the club of debt and stood in the away end in a toon shirt, but we're still shite on the pitch and being made a mockery of by the media. success will be measured by his ability to stabalise the club and take us forward, which he doesn't look like he can do at the moment. I hope he proves me wrong.
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