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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. in all my years of watching the toon I have never seen anyone get caught in possesion as much as Barton. I had high hopes for the lad but he's been gash. 2 through balls don't excuse the other 89 mins of complete ineptitude. He just can't cut it in top flight football and needs to be taken out of the side.
  2. all this talk about how many chances we created is well and good but how many points did we get. none. it's points that keep you up and we got fuck all today.
  3. anyone who still thinks we are too good to go down needs their fucking heads checking. losing to 89th minute goals at home is the sort of shit that happens to relegated sides. we are not good enough. end of story. as much as it pains me to say it I think we actually deserve to go down. all of the other teams have a bit of fight about them. we have nowt to offer.
  4. 3-1 against barnsley. I seem to recall it being nervy when they got one after half time.
  5. Last time I remember being this twitchy before a game was when he had Barnsley at home in 97/98. Same time of year, same danger of being firmly in the shite if we'd lost it.
  6. everytime our lot step onto the pitch they get totally humiliated by the opposition. that will have destroyed belief and confidence and then the "winnable" games seem much more challenging. people talk about the easy games coming up and how they will be our salvation. But before Boro and Bolton everyone was saying, there's a nailed on 6 points, that'll get us back in the mixer. And look what happened. 2 points. No wins. Thats what is making my arse twitch. And I think this is the worst Newcastle side to have existed since Ardiles was in charge. Which is an absolute disgrace given the transfer fees and wages lavished on our current crop of wastrels.
  7. 4-0 to the scum. they are bang up for the title race and unfortunately I can't see our bedraggled lot posing much resistance. one goal from them and the floodgates will inevitably open.
  8. if you've watched any games from Old Trafford recently you will have seen row upon row of empty seats with at least 5 minutes still left to play. it seems thrashing teams 4 or 5 nil is no longer good enough for the OT glory hunters. I know a chelseas fan and a man u fan, both local to those areas, both season ticket holders for upteen years. And both are now jacking them in as they've had their fill of a digital camera clutching, autograph hunting, day tripper fanbase. success has stolen the souls of their clubs and they are gutted.
  9. not blaming the owners of this site but the situation is a fecking joke. what the hell is going in on football you can't mention fixtures, games being played abroad, loads of clubs are owned by foreigners with little knowledge of the game, moving images around the sides of pitches, no more saturday 3pm games. the game is being raped by money men.
  10. that rule about duplicating fixtures is an absolute joke. fair enough if it was being done to make money but to clamp down on the owners of sites like this because their posters are discussing their sides upcoming games is fundamentally mental. the world has gone mad.
  11. it's a fucking shite idea. just another example of how the money men and global corporations are raping our national game. if the global fans want to experience a premiership game then they should get their fucking arses over to England and pay to watch a game like everyone else has to.
  12. Richards, Dunne and Hart fucking suberb today. Shows the benefit of nurturing talent and developing a solid back 4...... Nice to see Ronaldo have a shocker too.
  13. how many of our squad will stand up and be counted when we are in the shit how many of them actually give a shit that we are in the shit not many I suspect.
  14. I appreciate your vote of confidence but the form table suggests that otherwise...
  15. you don't get minus points but you piss away your goal difference and your confidence. some people would try to have us believe that we shouldn't worry about shipping 13 goals in 3 away games cos we played alright in brief spells. who gives a fuck about the rare chinks of light when you get humiliated every game......
  16. maybe we should lobby the Premier League to end all our games after 45 mins. that way we'd have taken 5 points from Villa, Man U and Arsenal away. Which is a decent haul for any side. You can try and scratch around for positives from any of the games mentioned above but at the end of the day the history books will show we got turned over 4-1, 6-0 and 3-0. and taking positives from heavy defeats won't help us avoid relegation. and thats all I'm arsed about.
  17. the thread title should be changed to "how can we get out of the relegation battle ?"
  18. Sack Keegan. It's the obvious answer to all our problems seriously. the players were shit today, as they have been for the majority of the season. so many of our errors come from ineptitude on the pitch rather than tactical naivity. I would wager that during his team talk keegan said neither of the following: 1 - if you are under pressure in defence don't clear the ball, fuck about with it and hope the opposition run away. 2 - if the ball comes towards you in the box, raise your hands and try to catch it.
  19. total humiliation. how many times has this squad of players been in the lead, or at least holding their own against a side and then they have imploded spectacularly and we've ended up getting turned over. they are incompetent in the extreme. anyone who still thinks we aren't relegation material wants their heads checking. jesus christ man, we can't defend, we can score the odd goal but can't hold onto a lead. we are getting beaten by sides at the top, middle and bottom of the table. and we'll be very lucky to get anything out of the next 3 games. I suspect that blind faith should be reclassified as total stupidity. and this isn't some knee jerk reaction, I've been shitting myself about this for months now.
  20. form is shite can't beat the shite teams at home not picking up points away can't keep clean sheets not scoring enough goals something has to change and fast
  21. we are bottom of the form table for the last 8 games. surely that fact alone should make peoples arses twitch......
  22. I am getting the right hump with Shay. He's just not on his game this season.....
  23. it was inevitable we woul concede. I'd give anything to have a run of solid defensive performances featuring the same players in the back 4. another one of the "easy win" games has passed us by.
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