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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. results not going our way like.....
  2. possibly one of the biggest c8nts to ever step onto a football field.
  3. it's not quite time to hit the panic button but our form is absymal, we have good teams still to play and we could easily get dragged into the shite. sunday will be a good test. not getting a result against the smogs will be totally unacceptable.
  4. I lost a lot of respect for the BBC during their reporting of the changes to the licencing laws. it was one of the most overhyped, underresearched pieces of scaremomgering I have seen. They predicted the downfall of modern society. And what actually happened. Sweet fuck all. It's our licence fees that pay for this shite. And my only comment on Sky News is: cunts.
  5. I'm highly cynical about the majority of what I read in the papers / see on the news. It get the feeling the facts are secondary to the commercial needs of shifting units / selling advertising. And don't get me started about "Breaking News" announcements......
  6. the goons in the media are showing just how idiotic they really are. give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves. makes you wonder how much truth there is in the front page stories they report or if they just base all that on bollocks too.
  7. it's because all man u fans are cunts. did you see all the empty seats towards the end of the match y'day. A 3-1 win clearly wasn't entertaining enough for them. If there was one club I could wipe off the face of the planet it would be Man U and everyone associated with them.
  8. in 2 minds about this one. On his day a world class centre half. However he is prone to spending a lot of time on the sidelines. 7m could be better spent on a forward / midfielder. And Woody would be after big wages. Plus he's already turned us down once. To go to the fucking smoggies. They are "his" club, that he is now desperate to leave. The more I think about it the more I think it was too much of a gamble going for him.... Just hope we haven't wasted loads of time courting him when we could have been going after other players
  9. I'm trying to be realistic about things on the relegation front and not panic just yet. I can see the logic that we have to play plenty of shite teams and should be areet because of that. But. Our form recently has been absymal. Which creates 2 major problems - We haven't picked up "easy" points against shite teams away or decent sides at home. And the players confidence will be shot to pieces. We need a run of results now to solve those problems. But we have to factor another trip to the emirates and those Manc cunts coming up here. Two more games where the lads are likely to take a battering....
  10. martins doesnt cut the mustard for me. for every goal he scores he must miss at least 5 chances. and he's one of the least intelligent players in the squad. a raw talent that needs a lot of work to turn him into a class act.
  11. I'd go for a striker and an attacking midfielder. we need a couple of people who can open teams up.
  12. first half was the best I have seen the lads play in a long time. 2nd half we were there for the taking. charlie dissapeared, the defence opened up and we lacked someone who could take control of the game. but at the end of the day we never expected owt from this and the cup could have become an unwelcome distraction from guaranteeing league safety. with woodgate in to steady the back 4 and if we can acquire a couple of decent attacking players then we'll have the making of a decent side. keegans asked for time. I hope that people are willing to give him it......
  13. Richards name keeps cropping up. Anyone want to shed some light on why he would leave City for us ? Or why city would want to let him go ?
  14. can't be arsed to read another speculative newspaper article about the future of NUFC. Journalists are generally a bunch of bullshitting cunts so I am sceptical about anything they publish. At the end of the day Shearer says him and Keegan have spoken and things will be sorted at the end of the week. I saw him say it so I believe it.
  15. how mint were the tunes in the ground y'day. I Am The Reserection and if memory serves A House Is Not A Motel for the first tune at half time. Although I was so spectacularly pissed that I may have just imagined them....
  16. in the context of our current midfield options dyer would be more creative than rolf harris !
  17. campbell is the only one who would realistically sign for us. Carrick would be taking a huge step backwards in his career and berbatov would better off staying at spurs. would imagine we'd be targetting squad players from decent prem sides, the odd decent player in the shite prem sides or looking to europe.
  18. at the very least we need a creative midfielder with a bit of pace. Like Dyer but not as much of a cunt less prone to injuries.
  19. he's big, he's fat, he gave us keegan back, ashhleeey, ashleeeey. not sure how hppy he'd be about it like....
  20. easiest game for Maddog Joey B to come back into side. All attention will be diverted away from him. Any other week he'd be the centre of attention.....
  21. I'm starting to wonder if Deschamps could be the man to get our workshy foreign legion playing well again. a number of our problem cases have experience in france or italy and I expect they'd have a lot more respect for DD than for a man like Fat Sam or the Roedent... not sure what Barton would make of him though.....
  22. he's saying what we all know. we can't attract a world class manager so the search is on for a relaistic alternative. main bit I'd disagree with is the comment on the style of football. I think many fans don't care how we play, as long as we win on a regular basis. no point in playing sexy football if we get turned over every week. a big plus point is that at least they have finally gone public with an official statement on the whole sorry situation. Which is a refreshing change from the "keeping the powder dry" bullshit of old.
  23. Leeds are fucked. They wouldn't be able to refuse our approach....
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