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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. cool. been away on holiday so wondered if I might have missed the call. If I can't move then I'm deffo not renewing and want to know asap whether I'll need to fork out the cash or not.....
  2. Anyone had any contact from the club about a voluntary request to move seats ? Or are they still sorting out all the people who are being re-located for the new sections.
  3. After giving it much deliberation I'm not renewing. Will just get tickets from the box office for games I want to go to.
  4. risky signing if you ask me. I'd rather try and spread the money across 5 good, commited players who are on the rise than spend 20m and 200k a week on a player who's only coming for the money and had a shitter last season.
  5. bobbydazzla

    Mikel Arteta

    can't see what would be in it for Arteta other than the £'s.
  6. bobbydazzla

    Peter Crouch

    if you seriously think that pompey are a bigger and better club than Newcastle, go. I'm sure they would be delighted to see you They could do with a few more supporters. you've missed the point. again. I was not on about whether I should support the toon or pompey. I was saying that in June 2008, if I was Peter Crouch and was being courted by both clubs, I would probably go there rather than come here. and I gave the reasons why I thought he would do that.
  7. bobbydazzla

    Peter Crouch

    I think the instability issue is one that a lot of people underestimate.
  8. I reckon he probably aims for 10pm, but then he'll see his reflection in the mirror when he brushes his teeth, he'll immediately get the horn, he'll then pull out his stash of spunk encrusted footy magazines from under his bed, get them all open on the pics of himself and wank himself senseless whilst crying with joy over his own beauty.
  9. bobbydazzla

    Peter Crouch

    small club punching above weight by winning tophies and playing in europe "big club" (in our case this is defined as well supported) who are punching way below weight, challenging for fuck all and have had 4 managers in 4 years. I'd be tempted to go to Pompey I reckon.
  10. can't say he'll be missed. to be honest most of the time I forget he's on our books. obviously talented, but appears rarely and will be getting paid a fortune in wages. I've seen his Mercs in town more often than I've seen him on the pitch.....
  11. first hand experience of all these eras lad. Do you ? Just call it a wider perspective if you don't. That's reality. Sunshine. I see you don't dispute now that going to a brothel is OK, despite your earlier comments. Nor the european qualifications for the quality players. Are you out of your depth yet ? first hand experience of 70's. sadly not I was 2 when the decade closed out. 80's, 90's 00's. yes lad. I was there. deal with it. brothels. if somone wants to bang a hooker and a hooker wants to make money banging then that's areet with me. out of my depth. certainly not. I would say I'm probably ankle deep in the tcp filled foot bath you have to walk through before you get to the pool. given the low strength and poor quality of your arguments I'd suggest you were close to drowning sunshine. just remember not to sell your story to the papers if the helicopter comes to rescue you. the coastgaurds don't like that sort of shit lad.
  12. I live in reality lad. You are living in the past. either about our 1994 - 2003 "golden era" or the dark days of the 70's and 80's. you appear to have absolutely no grasp of the here and now.
  13. names ? And please tell us which teams have qualfied more for europe than us, that HAVEN'T bought these "big name signings" Lad. PS, you seem oblivious to the fact that we are the 3rd best supported club in the country, if you think that smaller clubs than us can buy "bigger name players" I'll start you off with luque, kluivert, owen (until this season), boumsong, emre and duff. arsenal have qualified for europe more often than us without big name signings. you show me a club who has spent as much as us since 1992 but still not won anything. Leeds maybe, and look where they are..... the "size" of a club is NOT determined by the amount of people who support them. I'll start you off with Shearer, Ferdinand, Ginola, Speed, Dyer, Bellamy, Ferguson, Robert, Albert, Hamman, Batty, Woodgate, and finish off with the fact that only 4 clubs have qualified for europe more than us, because of these signings ? Unless of course you think we should have bought players such as Chopra, kilbane, Arca, Lawrence - or Heard, Reilly, Pingel, Bogie, Gourlay, Robertson, Stimson, Dillon......... great days, all bargain buys the lot of them. Quite amazing that any Newcastle supporter is unhappy with signing a top footballer like Michael Owen, they must have been over the moon when we bought Rob McDonald. You need to wise up lad, you're living in cloud cuckoo land, although I'm not surprised that - just like the example of pompey - you're using the old tried and trusted example of Leeds to suggest that everybody who spends a lot of money ends up like Leeds Funny that one we signed half those players you mention in the mid 90's ! when we were a team on the up, that challenged for the league and were in europe. the other half we signed when we were still considered a decent side and were in cup finals and or europe. what have we got to offer a player these days. No top half finishes, no cup finals, no european football, a series of hired and fired managers and no trophies. we have a 55,000 capacity stadium and that about it ! the points you made have simply justified my initial argument and you've tied yourself in knots like a little kitten with a ball of wool. we are no longer a "big side", so deal with it lad ! ha ha !
  14. what a load of rubbish. Lad do you associate with any non-NUFC fans ? they think we are a self important joke of a club who stumble from crisis to crisis and play it all out in full glare of the media. that's the reality sunshine. I associate with lots of non-NUFC fans sunshine. In fact, only 1 NUFC fan is in my particular workplace. Nobody actually gives a toss about people going to brothels, in fact they were all very envious of us when we played in the Champions League, europe, and 2 FA Cup Finals. Supporters of the successful clubs ie like manu, will tell you such things don't matter too much to them, as in they weren't bothered when Edwards was caught kerb crawling. Of course, they just love the Glaziers. Thats the reality sunshine. once again you missed the point lad. if edwards wanted to dip a hooker then fair dues. if fred and doug want to see some blart in a brothel then fair dues. but did edwards get caught in the back seat of his car with a hooker and a journo mouthing off and laughing about daft people who buy manc shirts get ripped off and going on about all the lasses in manchester being mingers. ? Did this story get then get splashed all over to the tabloids. No. thought it didn't.
  15. And people laughed at YOU mackems.gif oh dear. Oh for the good old days of fine upstanding gentlemen running the club, [for the younger generation, think of Bob Murray], and we spent years selling our best players, ritual humiliation in the FA Cup to the likes of Hereford and Exeter, and nobody laughed at us bluelaugh.gif you've missed the point sonny jim. in the mid to late 90's we were "everyones second club" and could compete with the best of europe in the transfer market. now we are a mid table joke side who people love to hate. no-one was talking about what went on in the 70's or 80's. it wasn't and isn't relevant to the current discussion.
  16. names ? And please tell us which teams have qualfied more for europe than us, that HAVEN'T bought these "big name signings" Lad. PS, you seem oblivious to the fact that we are the 3rd best supported club in the country, if you think that smaller clubs than us can buy "bigger name players" I'll start you off with luque, kluivert, owen (until this season), boumsong, emre and duff. arsenal have qualified for europe more often than us without big name signings. you show me a club who has spent as much as us since 1992 but still not won anything. Leeds maybe, and look where they are..... the "size" of a club is NOT determined by the amount of people who support them.
  17. what a load of rubbish. Lad do you associate with any non-NUFC fans ? they think we are a self important joke of a club who stumble from crisis to crisis and play it all out in full glare of the media. that's the reality sunshine.
  18. it's too hard to work out precisely when we became the laughing stock ! I suspect it was around the time Dougy and Fred got stung in that brothel......
  19. both Pompey and Spurs have won cups this year. what have we won ? fuck all lad. and we have generally been considered the laughing stock of the league for most of 07/08.
  20. fucks sake man. anyone would think we had a queue of world class players lined up outside SJP begging to sign. we are a mid table side, who aren't in europe, who have a history of hiring and firing managers, we're based in a small city in the north east of england, we're trying to rebuild the club finances after years of mismanagement. and we've proven time and time again that throwing money at "big name signings" hasn't led to success. we have just pissed transfer fees and massive wages up the wall. it's all about building a decent sized squad, putting a solid team together and doing it without bankrupting the club. get a grip on reality and get used to the idea !
  21. he deserves to burn in hell for sporting such ridiculous facial hair.
  22. not the most convincing of pics that like !
  23. we're linked with anyone and everyone at the moment. If our recruitment team are doing their jobs effectively then the first we will hear of signings is when they have already put pen to paper. If we are linked players at the moment then my suspicion is that agents are trying to raise a players profile and we aren't going to sign them.
  24. An open letter to the fans ! Fuck me, I remember the days when a Pizza Hut advert would have done the trick....
  25. someone at the club wants their heads checked if martins is on anything more than £60k a week tops. what next ? Shola getting a "decent first touch" bonus.
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