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Everything posted by ShearMagic

  1. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW It's hard to say don't get carried away, but we can't afford to. I mean, we're obviously safe now, and we probably were before todays game in fact, but we can't follow this result up with a loss against Reading next week.
  2. Is that the Jonathan Woodgate everyone wanted us to sign? He could actually be the most overrated defender on the planet.
  3. I really don't understand why players continue to do it. They all know it's a yellow card, and it's probably led to a suspension here and there because of an accruel of yellow cards.
  4. 11 year old? Taking the piss are we?
  5. So what about their constant easy ties in the FA Cup? Are they just complete coincidences?
  6. No reason at all to change the side. Only change I'd accept would be Charles N'Zogbia in for either Nicky Butt or Geremi. I hope we beat Spurs, really really do. Hate them. Another 3-2 like last year will do nicely
  7. I'd be quite pleased with the signing should it happen. Quality player, but if he had trouble settling in London I don't know how he'd go in Newcastle. If we got him settled though, he could turn into a very, very handy player for us.
  8. Are some of you serious? Fuck off Zoggy? Fair enough if it was someone shit like Stephen Carr or Damien Duff, but he's our best young talent around. For once, we've actually bought someone as a youngun' and they've looked good when they've played for us. He's certainly one of our better players, and some of your attitudes towards him, are, well, idiotic. Hope like hell he doesn't go, and he makes himself a first team fixture next season. However, I'm resigned to the fact that he'll move on, hopefully we get 8-10m for him, which given the current market, I don't think is too farfetched.
  9. People actually took this seriously? Oh my!
  10. Sometimes stars aren't what we need. In all seriousness, if a 'star' comes to a club like us, you'd have to wonder why. Not that we're a bad club, but we're not in any European competitions at all, which is generally why they move. The only other reason is money, and we've got enough players playing just for the money at the moment. There's plenty of players out there who wouldn't be classified as stars, but they'd strengthen our team immensely.
  11. I must admit, I doubted him. Fair play to him though, he's proved me wrong.
  12. Well, this is my first post since the win so I'll give my views: How much better do we look with the new formation? Not only does it accomodate both Martins and Viduka, but it gets rid of Damien Duff from the side. I see no reason to change it between now and the end of the season, because the last two matches have been the best we've probably played all season. Joey Barton was superb. He was everywhere. Tackling hard, making a nuisance of himself, and he actually passed the ball well too. Geremi was another one who impressed again. His delivery is a lot better than Milners, the only problem with him is that he's extremely slow. The defence played extremely well as a unit, and it's not surprising that they're starting to play well together after remaining unchanged for the 4th time in a row. Fulham weren't very good, but full credit to the players, who for once earned their wages.
  13. Will be an interesting race. Tbh, I'd prefer to beat the mackems than finish above them in the league, although if we beat them we'll finish above them anyway. I think we'll struggle to finish above Boro, but it's possible. We might even finish as high as 11th this season, imagine that.
  14. Which brings me to the point of clumsy free kicks. We always give them away. It's asking for trouble. They can do whatever they want to us, because the chances of us scoring a free kick are about 1 in 500.
  15. Harper Beye Taylor Faye Enrique Geremi Butt N'Zogbia Martins Owen Viduka 4-3-1-2. No need to change the defence, it's looking as solid as it can, and no surprise that it's happened after it's been left the same for 3 games in a row. N'Zogbia in for Barton, and Martins to start just behind the front 2.
  16. Harsh. He wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but he wasn't that bad. Barton was just useless.
  17. N'Zogbia should've came on for Barton after about 65 minutes. However, I can understand the move to take Martins off. If we lost, we'd be in real strife. By taking Martins off and putting N'Zogbia on it gave us better structure, which made us a lot less likely to win, but also a lot less likely to concede.
  18. I actually think Geremis been decent in the last two matches. Please tell me I'm not the only one?
  19. I'm happy with the point. We didn't lose, which means we're still above Birmingham, in fact, we move all the way up to 13th. Much better second half performance. Same lineup and same intention that we showed in the second half, for the full game on Saturday, and we'll win comfortably.
  20. Bring on two strikers that can't score, in place of two that at least have a proven goal scoring record?'
  21. How about telling someone to move for him then? Utterly shite. Let's just hope Bolton keep losing, because if they somehow manage to win, we're screwed.
  22. ShearMagic


    I've got to try and get some sleep beforehand, considering it's on at 6.30am here. How I'm going to do that, I do not know. If we lose, we get one spot closer to the relegation zone. I can take a draw, but a loss will be devastating.
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