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Everything posted by ShearMagic

  1. Haha good luck to Glenn in his new role. Baffling decision really though.
  2. God, these tatts are horrible.
  3. Lol you'd be pissed off if you paid money to get that.
  4. That leaves us very weak in centre midfield. Milner and Solano will drift out wide. Not really, Geremi was outstanding against Celtic playing centre mid and Solano is experienced enough to know how to play it. And, we dont really have anyone else to put there atm anyway, with Emre, Barton and Emre all probably not playing.
  5. No doubt Campbell would want fairly high wages but its not like we can't afford it. He's just what we need, strong and experienced. Very very very solid, I can't remember him making an awful lot of mistakes, I've seen him make the rare gaff, but all defenders do at some point. He's also very strong in the air, and is always a threat to score from set pieces.
  6. I really rate Portsmouth as a team. They have one of the most solid defences in the league IMO
  7. I can see where he is coming from, and it echoes my sentiments. But you gotta laugh, does he not realise they paid 5m for Chopra and 5.5m for Richardson?
  8. Well Sol has kinda announced he wants to leave Pompey. We should be going after him IMO
  9. Great win from the boys. Really happy to see Luque nab 2 goals, apparently his performance was top class as well. Martins looked lively, nice passing and a neat finish with his right foot. What was our defence like? I've read a few articles and a few say they were a bit shaky but others say they were solid?
  10. The 3rd placed playoff still has a fair bit of interest though because the winner qualifies automatically for the 2011 tournament.
  11. He was injured pretty much the whole time he was there, so its no real surprise. He's a class player, but so is Owen and atm, Owen would go down as a pretty bad signing for us considering he's hardly played.
  12. Iraq win 4-3 on pens. Great result for them as a nation.
  13. They are dirty, but at the end of the day they're from Iraq PSO time.
  14. Wouldn't matter who we had, we'd still get tonnes of injuries. Cursed.
  15. Suree Sukha was more than impressive against Australia. Great skills, a touch on the small side though.
  16. No doubt that he probably gave it his best, unfortunately, his best wasn't good enough.
  17. Aye, Korea have been mega disappointing tbh. They have been all tournament, if they get to the final it will be a travesty of justice.
  18. Please let it be true. Good news that he's turned the mackems down though. Appears that Roy Keane is getting desperate, I heard that Callum Little is on a trial there?
  19. Great news. Wouldn't risk him against Celtic tbh, I'd much rather wait until Sunday against Juve
  20. So we have the semis kicking off in around 20 minutes. Iraq vs Korea is the first game on, I'm going to tip a 1-1 draw and a Korea win in ET. After that we have Saudi Arabia vs. Japan, Japan will win that 2-0.
  21. Hangeland, Davies and Shorey.... I'm liking that. They're not absolutely brilliant players, but they're more than capable at premiership level. All improvements on what we had last season. Its a step in the right direction
  22. Give it a rest. You don't have to like the bloke, but don't constantly bag him for fucks sake.
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