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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Zog not even on the bench? No Diarra for Pompey either.
  2. TEAMS PFC: David James, Glen Johnson, Herman Hreidarsson, Sol Campbell ©, Sylvain Distin, Papa Bouba Diop, Sean Davis, Sulley Muntari, Niko Kranjcar, Nwanko Kanu, Jermain Defoe Subs: Lauren, David Nugent, Richard Hughes, Pedro Mendes, Asmir Begovic NUFC: Steve Harper, Habib Beye, Jose Enrique, Abdoulaye Faye, Steven Taylor, Nicky Butt, Geremi, Joey Barton, Oba Martins, Michael Owen ©, Mark Viduka Subs: Fraser Forster, Damien Duff, Alan Smith, David Edgar, Andy Carroll
  3. If he carries on the way he is, what's there to lose?
  4. Micah Richards. Steam rolls Taylor in every possible way. Need to be comparing Richards with the top stars. One thing Richards has had is Dunne & Distin next to him, has certainly had an impact for sure. Massive massive talent, think Taylor should be compared with the other lad they've got who was class in the u21s. Onohua is it? f*** knows I can't spell his name! Yeah that's a decent shout. Did well against Anelka at the weekend.
  5. Arsenal - for the most part can't stand their fans. Fickle as anything and arrogant beyond belief. Hate Wenger and his ridiculous sense of bias and some of their players for being dirty and downright unsporting. In order would probably go.. 1 - Arsenal 2 - Man Utd 3 - Chelsea 4 - Spurs 5 - Liverpool
  6. Thought Arsenal were excellent up until Hyypia's goal. After that it was mostly Liverpool and I think they deservedly won tonight, with a slice of fortune too mind. I disagree with you about Walcott actually. I think he's a great talent but surely that pace is more effective against tired defenders carrying yellow cards later on in the game? He'd get lumps kicked out of him early on if he started imo, think Wenger's being sensible.
  7. Vast amount of favouritism and luck they seem to get. Media favouritism There fans are painted as modern day saints when they among the worst going (barely any are scouse,false tickets, crowd problems etc.) Vastly more succesful than we'll ever be Fair play. Almost no Liverpool fans around down here so was just wondering what all the fuss was about. You're from Berko? Hemel is ridden with them, f****** bastards. Can just see my mates' smug glory hunting face tommorow. Poor you It's mostly Arsenal around here funnily enough.
  8. Vast amount of favouritism and luck they seem to get. Media favouritism There fans are painted as modern day saints when they among the worst going (barely any are scouse,false tickets, crowd problems etc.) Vastly more succesful than we'll ever be Fair play. Almost no Liverpool fans around down here so was just wondering what all the fuss was about.
  9. Just an innocent query; why do you guys hate Liverpool so much? Just wondering.
  10. :lol: :lol: Cracking game this. Pen to Liverpool.
  11. The two at the bottom are Bafetimbi Gomis and Sam Vokes. Dunno about the other guy.
  12. Not a bad shout at all tbh. He's put in a couple of very good cameos when I've seen him play. Lucas Biglia another option maybe?
  13. Parsley

    Bad news...?

    Why would Keegan change things around when we've won 3 games on the trot? I see this as more of a morale booster than anything - shower them with praise and maybe it'll soften the blow of bench-warming a tad. I hope Milner stays on for next season though - he's versatile and would make a good squad player. Duff and Smith can fuck off mind.
  14. I'd be changing my username now if I were you I know Dunno what I'm going to do with my shirt either :-[
  15. I'm confident he'll stay. We were faced with a similar predicament last summer IIRC and Oba stood firm so with all the promise that next season holds I think he'll stay put. Will be dead gutted if him or Zog leave though.
  16. Pompey have a very, very strong midfield - if Butt, Barton and co and keep Kranjcar and the like on a leash then we have a good chance. Their defence is strong as well but also slow - Martins and maybe N'Zogbia will TERRIFY them. I think it'll be a fascinating game. Going for a score draw.
  17. What? Did my post not make sense? No. It seemed like the ramblings of the mentally ill. Right then. IMO all that Bentley offers over Milner is a more consistent cross. He's no quicker than Milner, less skillful, has a worse attitude from what I've seen and is older. So why invest £15 million in an area that doesn't need much improving? Getting a proper playmaker on the other hand would work wonders imo, especially somebody with Deco's class who can perform a role that we're missing in the side. Milner quick ? You're joking. Bentley is miles better than Milner. When Milner was younger, at Leeds etc, he played through the middle. I'd like to see him play there before offloading replacing him with someone better though, great attitude or not. Didn't say Milner was quick, did I? I said Bentley's no faster than he is. I agree that Bentley is better but not by such a margin where £15 million needs to be splashed out on him to replace Milner. Deco would be much better value for money. Well, look at it another way. Sign Bentley and recoup part of the fee (50% maybe) for Milner. Is the difference worth it ? In football terms, if you want to win trophies, you need the best players and between 7-10 million quid for the difference between winning or losing the big games is nothing. The trophy winners pay it, which says everything. Fair point but we're not at the stage of trophy winners just yet and I think putting money into places that are doing fine is a risk, especially if they are at the expense of more important areas. While Keegan's going to have a shiteload of dosh on his hands in the summer, it will still be limited and I think it's far more important to shell out money on, imo, a world class playmaker (Deco), a world class anchorman and a world class sweeper before a slight improvement like Bentley. IMO he's better, given, but also too similar to Milner. Lennon would be a better buy at half the price because that pace when utilized will be a huge asset; his service isn't great granted but that can be developed and worked on. I'm all for perfecting and tweaking the squad when we're a top 4 team but not right now - best surely to get the foundation in place as strong as possible first.
  18. What? Did my post not make sense? No. It seemed like the ramblings of the mentally ill. Right then. IMO all that Bentley offers over Milner is a more consistent cross. He's no quicker than Milner, less skillful, has a worse attitude from what I've seen and is older. So why invest £15 million in an area that doesn't need much improving? Getting a proper playmaker on the other hand would work wonders imo, especially somebody with Deco's class who can perform a role that we're missing in the side. Milner quick ? You're joking. Bentley is miles better than Milner. When Milner was younger, at Leeds etc, he played through the middle. I'd like to see him play there before offloading replacing him with someone better though, great attitude or not. Didn't say Milner was quick, did I? I said Bentley's no faster than he is. I agree that Bentley is better but not by such a margin where £15 million needs to be splashed out on him to replace Milner. Deco would be much better value for money.
  19. What? Did my post not make sense? No. It seemed like the ramblings of the mentally ill. Right then. IMO all that Bentley offers over Milner is a more consistent cross. He's no quicker than Milner, less skillful, has a worse attitude from what I've seen and is older. So why invest £15 million in an area that doesn't need much improving? Getting a proper playmaker on the other hand would work wonders imo, especially somebody with Deco's class who can perform a role that we're missing in the side.
  20. What? Did my post not make sense?
  21. Deco. Bentley wouldn't be much of a improvement over Milner imo whereas a quality playmaker is something that we need more.
  22. Has been sensational these last few games, just hope it resumes. We do need to consider replacing him soonish though.
  23. £15 million is far too steep for a 30 year old imo, think it would be better value for money going on someone quite young with alot of promise. Would love somebody like Deco to come in and piss all over the place but not as a relatively short term fix for that fee.
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