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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Alain Hutton is quality. Real shame he only signed for Spurs fairly recently else I'd love for us to sign him. Like the look of Scott Brown as well, comes across as a bit of a dickhead but has a great engine.
  2. He took it miles away from where the foul was. It was a good call by Dowd and Rooney's reaction was just laughable tbh.
  3. We weren't unlucky, we just ran out of steam with the likes of Butt and Nolan, and heart with the likes of Duff. Having two defenders going off with injury isn't unlucky?
  4. After a cracking first half I thought we were really unlucky in the second. Bassong AND Taylor, our best player on the day, going off was probably the main reason why we lost. Once the third went in it was game over really, Arsenal just toyed with us until the 90th. Encouraging to see but I am very, very worried now. Fingers crossed Bassong, Taylor and Danny G will be back for Chelsea.
  5. Lovenkrands has to start in front of Owen alongside Oba. He can beat a man, create something out of nothing and break with pace on the counter - all things that Owen just cannot seem to do at the moment. We just can't provide the sort of service that Owen needs to play to his best whereas Peter can make things happen for himself.
  6. Happy for Hughton and Calderwood to stay on as back-room but Kinnear has to go.
  7. Harper Saylor Colo Seb Jose Raylor Nolan Danny G Jonas Oba Loven That's a decent side and I think it'll give Arsenal a few problems.
  8. Almost 5. Liverpool are tearing them apart.
  9. Smith did alright against Manure tbf. Don't have a problem with him starting so long as he's in the centre.
  10. No Lovenkrands is disappointing, he's been really dangerous.
  11. Scored a belting goal past Man United last season. Was going to post this. Made Vidic look s***, albeit just for that one moment. Scored against Barca in the first leg too didn't he?
  12. Man United have just taken the sting out of us, it's not like we've been that bad on the ball.
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