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Everything posted by AfroP

  1. he really was dire against the mackems all he did was hoof the ball up the pitch and hope martins was able to grab onto it. shocking and he cost us a goal with that stupid foul on the edge of the box.
  2. AfroP

    Shearer Yes or No?

    imho the time is not right for him. we need somebody with skill and experiance that can stabalise the club and the team and get us winning matches. we need somebody in with at least a 5 year plan and a proven track record. Keegan is not the right man to do this. yes he was forced to manage under a system which he did'nt agree with but if he really loved this club and understood exactly what the fans wanted he'd not have walked away again
  3. AfroP

    Looking at the table

    its amazing how much differance having a proper manager makes. even one thats only interim
  4. AfroP

    Steven Taylor

    taylor did well creating one and scoring one, but he needs to bring this level of fight and skill to every game and stop doing dumb sh8t like handballing etc.
  5. AfroP

    Mind your language

    fully agree Cat But at the moment i think it matches the mood of the fans. I dont particularly like a manger whose mouth makes even a foul mouthed git like me cringe but i just cant help but think, is this the right image we want for the club atm?
  6. when hell freezes over and every newcastle fan on the planet has been turned into a mindless brain eating zombie
  7. i just cant think why keegan is so popular..... whats keegan combined? is that like captain planet? all our hopes and dreams for the club conmbined into King kev?
  8. AfroP

    Save Newcastle United

    ok first of all, NUFC is no longer listed on the stock exchange so buying shares in the club is not a feasible option. Or is it a case of you chip in your cash and then get promised that many shares when the club is bought? what happens if the club is never bought by fans? do you get you cash back or is the organiser a WUM con artist who will do a runner with the dosh as soon as he can. most people only invest in shares of a business if that business is expected to make money or generate a return on the shares. the club at the moment is running at a loss and will be taking a bigger hit if and when the country goes into recession
  9. No the police did'nt warn Ashley to attend games, the fans did via the statement to the chron from true-faith and the mag.
  10. How much more of a laughing stock could we possibly be? the national press have already started spouting their garbage about how poor mike ashley has been forced to sell because of the fans never accepting him etc etc The more this whole saga draws out the more i worry about the future of the club. How many people are going to want to spend money on a football club with the problamatic recent history we have? Whats to say that we dont get somebody buying the club that happens to be mates with Big Sam or god forbid graeme souness? and then appoints one of them? will fans protest more and drag it out even further? where does it all end? I'll admit that I had no problem with Ashley, yeah he made unpopular choices but at the end of the day he did what he though was best for the club, and we are certainly a hell of a lot better off now than what we were under the previous regime, from a business/financial point of view. Keegan apparently knew what he was getting into when he joined up, but I agree with him that the manager should not have any players forced on them from board lvl. There is a lot of garbage that needs sorting out at the club and us fans need to allow it to get resolved without going ballistic every time something happens we dont like. lets just hope fat fred does'nt decide to come back and take the club off mike
  11. AfroP

    steve wraith

    According to SSN portrayal of a "typical Newcastle fan" we're all either between the ages of 12 and 18 wear track suits with the bottoms tucked into our socks and live outside St James park incase something happens. Either that or we're fat tattooed shaved headed f**kwhits with no jobs and nobody can understand a word we say or read because we cant spell. those idiots that end up on SSN when stuff like this happens at the club are not just an embarassment to the club and the rest of us decent fans but also to the region and decent human being the world over
  12. must admit that i had thought of similar. But only in the sense that Kev was only brought in to get bums on seats and season ticket renewals and shirt sales up. now that, that, has been achieved and they have that 3 year thing with quite a few people bound to it they have dumped him out of the picture.
  13. Shearer would have to be absolutely INSANE to take the job now. He wouldnt be able to appoint his own players, so whats the point? How many managers are going to want to come to the club knowing that this is the case? I cant see any manager worth his coaching badges knowingly joining a club where somebody else is dictating what players he brings in and who he has to sign.
  14. no Doubt it will be a Wise/Puyot combo
  15. just got sent this on email no Idea what the blunderland message board is that the sender refers to but its doing the rounds at work, could ofc be a massive SMB wind up which is what i expect it to be. managed to get the linkage off the sender http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=351159
  16. cant get over how the club has not released an official statement yet
  17. llllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaddddyysss and Geeeentlemmmmen In the red Corner weighing in at 220 pounds Mike "the billionare pint downer" Ashley!!!!!! And in the blue Corner weighing in at who knows the messiah Kevin "the King" Keeeeeeegan!!! lllllllllllllllllllllllllets get ready to SUCK IT!!!!!!
  18. Daily mail crap http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1051585/Newcastle-boss-Kevin-Keegans-future-knife-edge-summit-St-James-Park.html
  19. Barcalona offer Samual eto and thiery henry for owen
  20. Isn't it just the Wayne Rooney scenario again?? yes!!
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