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Everything posted by AfroP

  1. fookin shocking result. laughing stock of english football today the southern media will have a complete wankfest about this and now with tiote out and a dosey arseclown for a manager i can see us getting raped off the beasts down the road, cause we'll no doubt have smith starting against them and he needs to just fook right off. expensive waste of a Newcastle shirt.
  2. AfroP

    Sebastian Larsson

    but is that the actual plan? or is it a load of "tell them(us fans) what they want to hear" scripted by the FCC
  3. we could get frikken sharks with laserbeams on their frikken heads
  4. AfroP

    3 to go down

    wolves west ham wigan
  5. Good one. can i nominate this for joke of the year? I fell off my seat lauging
  6. Andy Carroll is consistently one of our best players on the pitch. and it seems to me that he improves with every game. it is a worry that he will leave as I get the feeling that any of our players are up for sale if the money is right, when it comes to ashley. if somebody come in for carroll with a high enough bid, i'll bet ashley would accept it without even consulting pardew
  7. The charges against him for chinning his ex lass have been dropped http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-11978638
  8. watched it on MOTD totally impressed with the team and the performance. Barton was beast and raped the scousers to death. but the whole thing was ruined for me by the coverage, every goal we scored you saw FCC just up and hug the fat blonde cow next to him. then at one point you seen him rubbing his hands together in a gesture of "oh yes I'm right, and i'm gonna make loads of wedge" disgusting bloke he's like a real live jabba the hutt
  9. he'll be here with the FCC's (fat cockney c**t) hand up his bum for the full term of his contract.
  10. We support Newcastle united, but currently its not Newcastle united, its a massive joke of an Advert for the fat bastards cheap shyte sports retailers. and the only way we as supporters can get him to listen is to talk with our wallets. The fat clown knows that week in and week out the die hard fans will pay they're money to go and see the team play, and its this greatest asset of the club, that he and his crew are raping on a pinball machine.
  11. AfroP

    Alan Pardew

    relegation. first to championship then to lower league
  12. even somebody that sacks people every week and has a reputation for being a bit of a hard arse thinks FMAC(f**king Mike Ashley C**t) was out of order sacking chris hughton http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/9266194.stm
  13. AfroP

    Alan Pardew

    i'm willing to bet that he only got this job cause ashley lost a game of poker to him.
  14. whats wrestling got to do with this?
  15. http://www.google.co.uk/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://cdn2.sbnation.com/imported_assets/363627/third-party-facepalm_medium.jpg&sa=X&ei=pLP_TJbAK87B4gbeh7T0CA&ved=0CAQQ8wc4Sg&usg=AFQjCNEPgZw5t1EjS2oE_qjFqxMO7w8tkA
  16. until ashley and his cancer are cut from newcastle I no longer care i've never been a massive massive supporter. I get to the odd home game and i'll buy the decent shirts once in a while, but no more. it was good that the club was gaining some stability and looked to be doing better than expectations well thats it for me, dont care any more
  17. at the end of the day if by some xmas miracle we appoint jose mourinho or alex ferguson or arsene wenger as manager. the club still has a cancer called Mike Ashley
  18. he's available, cheap as fook and desperate for a job. He's also from london and played at spurs for a while
  19. seriously p!ssed off by this Hughton di well with what he had available no half decent manager will come to the toon with the comedy of errors commited by ashley and no money to spend
  20. Hughtons odds of being the next managed sacked have been slashed. and William Hill are no longer taking bets on it. looks like he could be on his way out hope not would mean too much disruption to the squad
  21. AfroP

    Joey Barton

    Spot on! yup. and lets not forget the double leg breaking of ben arfa, with nothing being done by the FA when De Jong's own international coach said it was out of order.
  22. "throw me a frikken bone, I'm the boss need the info" its Doctor Evil!!
  23. fookin disgrace that was. hughton got the tictacs completely wrong. He should have stuck arfa up front in nolans position, pulled that useless fat Sam style player off the pitch and stuck Jonas on the left. Pull Carrol of and stick either ameobi or lovenkrands on instead. crap game, poor result and stoke are a horrible mud guppy team with horrib tactics. fekkin long throwing mackem rejects
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