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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Patrice Evra used to play upfront in the French third division when he were younger. They can adapt, you see.
  2. Using your moderator powers to try and mess with the minds of the forum members.
  3. That's a bad title Dave, people will think he is definitely not getting one. May I suggest: "Peter Lovenkrands' contract to be decided after friendly match on Tuesday"
  4. Someone just wants to gaffer tape Kinnear's mouth shut. Let the man with the charisma bypass do all the press conferences. That way he won't splurge so much shit.
  5. No, I don't, but I never miss an opportunity to stick one in should the need arise.
  6. ermm... What if they are French? BONJOURRRRR, YA CHEESE EATIN' SURRENDER MONKEYS! http://www.simpsoncrazy.com/gallery/town/GroundskeeperWilly1.gif
  7. If Carroll plays and is up for it, we have a chance, fingers crossed he'll rough up Samba and create some space for Owen to work in.
  8. There are direct quotes from Kinnear. He's either lying outright (and if so I'd expect the club to have something to say about it) or it's true. It speaks volumes about Kinnear's past record of lies in the media that people are still clinging onto the belief that this might not even be true. If it was Roeder, Bobby, Souness, Keegan, or anyone else saying this, then people would accept it as 100% fact, provided there is quotes in the source ofc.
  9. I hear Bale keeps in shape by chucking barrels at a stereotypical Italian-American plumber...
  10. just been rubbished on SSN.
  11. Bet you'd love that. Why? I've never seen a person more pessimistic than you. That even includes HTT (not by much like).
  12. Shearergol is correct - if we signed eight players on deadline day after a month of inactivity then not one person would be complaining. Believe me, I'll be the first person to have a moan if Kinnear doesn't get any / enough players in. But there's still plenty of time for him to do so, so quit fucking greeting already.
  14. Pennant is fucking awful. Honestly, I choked on my buttie when I saw that he'd been linked with moves to Real Madrid and AC Milan. He's fucking shit at crossing, passing and shooting, which are generally very important for wingers. He's also shit in the air. Pennant wouldn't even be good for free, he's another naff player coming for a wage packet, £60,000 being reported as was said above. Just no.
  15. That photo of me in between Rich and cp40 is Crouchtastic. (Reply 1814)
  16. Says who? You think their owners would just allow these people to run up huge debts against the club with no gurantee that it would be their own investment or at least part their investment? You're right but Valten is still correct in terms of the Arabs leave, and they're left with a huge wage bill to foot each week.
  17. Couple who were near 40 and the rest were probably between 18-25.
  18. Here's my attempt at some Craig Hope style captions: KNEE-SY DOES IT - The bloke in the Napoli top warms up. WULL IN FULL FLOW - Wullie gets back into position for the blue team. UNDER PRESSURE - Pilko holds off a defender and looks for a pass. AND IN THE RED CORNER... - Paddock trots forward as the blues press for another goal YOU DIDN'T GET THE JOB - Nixon gets the call from Thomson House.
  19. Well, I didn't really have a reason tbh. But that photo there just above your post isn't exactly the most flattering
  20. btw I think a caption competition of any of these fine photos is a good idea.
  21. http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/8460/labellednomatchzr0.jpg http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/labellednomatchzr0.jpg/1/w800.png
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