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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Aye, Tooj can act like a manager. Mick can be the other one if he's still coming to be the master photographer.
  2. Pilko

    Nile Ranger

    Left. Well, I was going to break your right leg on Sunday, but if you insist I break your left, I can do that too.
  3. Pilko

    Nile Ranger

    Right. Cheers for clearing that up Role Model.
  4. For once, everyone is waiting for Kinnear to come out and say something. Usually, we're all waiting for him to sink into the shadows and shut the fuck up.
  5. Pilko

    Nile Ranger

    Tim Krul. Who's the bloke on Ranger's left? I meant on THE LEFT not Ranger's left.
  6. I'd rather Arteta, a good player who doesnt whore himself about despite his massive talent! Two different players really. Arteta tend to be deployed out wide play maker role providing quality for the strikers. Arshavin tends to play just off the striker in the "the hole" and probably has an all round better game than Arteta. Arsenal would be better off chasing defensive players rather than trying to add to an already more than competent attack. A defender and DMer are on there way this window I find it hilarious how Milan and Barca apparently offered £30m for Adebayor in the summer and Arsene turned them down. The number of chances he misses is unreal. If the likes of a 27-year old Shearer was in that Arsenal team last season, he would have gotten almost 50 goals.
  7. Good ties chosen but I much prefer the BBC for cup ties.
  8. Buy back Alan O'Brien. Boy, was he fast! It's just a shame he couldn't do anything with a football
  9. I always find the whole Arshavin wank-fest a bit odd. Surely if he really was THAT good he would have been spotted about five or six years ago, and not now? He seems to be living off about two good games in Euro 2008 if I'm honest. Still would have him here in half a heartbeat, mind.
  10. Are we going to have a minute's silence for all those banned from the forum before kick-off?
  11. Agree with nobby_solano about Lovenkrands, was just thinking he'd be a good aquisition.
  12. Pilko

    Nile Ranger

    Tim Krul. Who's the bloke on Ranger's left?
  13. A party? Not likely. He was probably trying to replicate that advert of yesteryear with Thierry Henry dribbling a ball round his house.
  14. Pilko

    Red or Blue

    Hopefully my house won't get burgled whilst I'm at this match...
  15. Hope Derbyshire plays badly just so HTT will shut the hell up about him being good.
  16. Neill would be another Stephen Carr. Ridiculous wages for a shit player. Hope we stay away.
  17. I think we should call each other by our forum names, just to see the look on anyone else who happens to be around's faces. "Oy, Nut, stick all ball over the top there! I'll flick it back to Venkman and he can get to the byline for Lien to score!"
  18. Hey, I went out and bought the socks specially. Only 99p in the sale at Puma in the Royal Quays. Just plain like, but a bargain and appropriate for this game. You'll laugh when you see my oversized legs in such bright socks.
  19. Red Nike t-shirt for me, with black shorts, red socks and black trainers.
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