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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Despite the errors, he's streets ahead of Sels.
  2. Was one those "win, just win ffs" ones today and we did do. Anya seemed to be a bit of a handful (as well as De Sart being better on the ball than the bloke he replaced) and that was the cause of our late game jitters. Was lovely to see that useless red-faced cunt McClaren with his hands on his head after Yedlin cleared off the line. You'd think he'd be used to losing games at SJP by now. Darlow 6 - one save but looked a little bit jittery, dropped a cross and almost deflected a ball onto Anya for a tap in Yedlin 8 - excellent today. Solid defensively and got up the pitch to good effect Clark 7 - another steady game, communication seemed to be flowing better Hanley 7 - completely missed Ince for the sitter he missed but strong in the tackle and composed otherwise Dummett 6 - seemed to go to pot in the last 10 minutes, his distribution wasn't great today either Hayden 7 - was going alright until his injury, in the thick of things as usual Shelvey 8 - usual brilliant distribution and ball retention. Drove things forwards as per Ritchie 7 - combative and passionate and a decent dig for the goal, despite the deflection Diame 8.5 - full of invention, the "on" switch was definitely pressed on this occasion. Some lovely touches and unfortunate not to score Gouffran 6.5 - much better work rate and energy today but still painfully sluggish and slows down our counters too often Mitrovic 6 - all round touch and passing far better, got involved, but that fucking sitter! Had one easy chance and blew it... again. Subs: Perez 6 - better than Wednesday's shitshow without really pulling up too many trees S. Ameobi n/a - didn't really do much Lascelles n/a - managed to avoid any fuck-ups in his short appearance Rafa got his selection right today (leaving Lascelles out and dropping Perez) and the inclusion of Diame on one of his good days made all the difference tbh.
  3. Allardyce keeping them up a second time
  4. Mitrovic has looked better than usual today, positioning and link play looking much more useful. Diame looks like he's having an "on" day and we look way more fluid than Wednesday, without being incredible.
  5. If he's going to walk it will be at the end of the season. He's not the type to leave a job half done. If he goes after getting us up, he'll leave with his image intact, or even enhanced. I agree. He'll try to get the assurances he wants between now and the summer, and if he doesn't get them that'll be it IMO.
  6. I'd have dropped Lascelles for Cacapa's dad after Wednesday tbh.
  7. Darlow; Yedlin, Clark, Hanley, Dummett; Shelvey, Hayden; Ritchie, Diame, Lazaar; Mitrovic Let's beat Island Head
  8. Agreed. I don't know how you reconcile the two, though. If they are prepared to finance a strong team for the PL, surely now would be a good time to buy and integrate one or two players of that standard? "Best pound for pound value out of the resources" is the mantra and they aren't going to get that in January. It is silly but it's all about the bunce. There'll be money in the summer IMO but whether it's enough to form a PL standard side is anyone's guess.
  9. I bet you cry at the two minute filler interviews on This Morning when Tracey Pleb's son has died or something. If you think Perez shooting was the right decision then you're either mental or blind fwiw. You need to take another look at it. There was a defender only about a yard away from Ritchie who would have had a good chance of cutting off a pass or blocking his shot. It's a matter of playing the percentages. You have to shoot in a position like that unless there's a team-mate completely free. I don't agree. The pass was the best chance of scoring. Even if he'd hit it off the end of the keeper's right leg it likely wouldn't have deflected towards Ritchie or the defender. The pass on the second chance was absolutely laughable, as if a genuine fan can sit and "feel sorry" for a player when they fuck two massive goalscoring chances up so royally because of their lack of ability and composure
  10. Not sure what he said to the team tonight but we were fucking dump. We don't look like a side who's going to march to promotion right now.
  11. I bet you cry at the two minute filler interviews on This Morning when Tracey Pleb's son has died or something. If you think Perez shooting was the right decision then you're either mental or blind fwiw.
  12. Pilko

    Jamaal Lascelles

    Played like he was on smack tonight. Shite.
  13. Lascelles, Clark and Perez I would rate at 1/10. Fucking pathetic, useless wankers.
  14. We've been utter shite. Lascelles wants dropping, he's had a terrible half.
  15. Elliot's best form for the club came after Woodman left, too.
  16. Think this will either be an early goal, win 3 or 4 nowt job, or we lose it 0-1.
  17. Think we'll win but if it's 0-0 at half time I'm putting a shit load on 0-1 in play.
  18. Two wins in the next two games would see me at 9.5. Currently a 9.
  19. Pilko

    Andros Townsend

    Give up lads. It's not happening.
  20. Is anyone still expecting anything? Don't do it to yourselves; we'll get nowt.
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