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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Ok. best thing to do once you've had your meetings imo is to tell the Mag/True Faith/NUFC.COM and to post on newcastle forums that the new 'unofficial' singing section will be in Leazes Level 4. If we can get even just 1000 who are willing to STAND and sing within a season people will probably move there anyway My ST is in the NW corner and can't help but feel by making that the new singing section, it will cause huge problems with the current ST holders. The guy next to me constantly gets annoyed if someone gets up to go to the toilet, I dread to think of the reaction if someone decided to stand up in front of him all game. I can see what you mean. But unfortunately for him and others up to 3000 fans may be having to move, and apparently that is the lowest area of ST holders. How do you feel about the move Ash? Would you be up for people moving to Level 4? Will others around you be ok with it? Is the NW corner quite a young population or more elderly? We're not looking to move to Level 1 or 2 remember if thats where you are. Apologies if you are in Level 4 though I would welcome the move as my mate and I were planning on moving to a different area next season anyway, it's too quiet for my liking in Level 4. We go to pretty much every away game too so would prefer to be able to stand and sing. At the minute, there's no chance of standing and there is barely any singing. Can't see it going down too well with people around us though. It's probably more an elderly population but the game-to-game fans seem to be quite varied although the majority are families in my opinion. Aye, I'm in Level 4. I would prefer new singing section to be the Gallowgate for various reasons but if it ends up in Level 4 then so be it. Not sure where we're going to move yet, may just end up going to the Gallowgate regardless and join in with the standing/singing there instead.
  2. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Ok. best thing to do once you've had your meetings imo is to tell the Mag/True Faith/NUFC.COM and to post on newcastle forums that the new 'unofficial' singing section will be in Leazes Level 4. If we can get even just 1000 who are willing to STAND and sing within a season people will probably move there anyway My ST is in the NW corner and can't help but feel by making that the new singing section, it will cause huge problems with the current ST holders. The guy next to me constantly gets annoyed if someone gets up to go to the toilet, I dread to think of the reaction if someone decided to stand up in front of him all game.
  3. I wouldn't have even waited until the end of the season! I'd have been sending my England membership back too, with a letter attached gladly telling them to fuck off.
  4. Ash

    Nile Ranger

  5. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Gallowgate is the most appealing option to me at the moment.
  6. Ash

    Season Tickets

    They seem to have just decided Level 4 is the best option though, without gathering the general opinion of where would be best. That's why a poll would give us a better idea and can be taken on from there.
  7. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Is it worth creating a poll to see what area would be more preferable to create the new singing/standing section?
  8. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Has it been determined who qualifies for the 20% discount by the way?
  9. Ash

    Season Tickets

    We are not being moved along. We are being moved to another part of the stadium, and being charged over £120 for the privilege. We also were moved, without having any choice in the matter 3 years ago. Would you be happy with having to fork out over £120 and at this stage not knowing where you were going to sit? Has it actually been said that you will be charged £120 more?, have you actually got a letter through the door? I've seen what the prices are for next season. The cheapest one I can get (lowest price area) with my discount for having a ticket in the championship season is going to be over £120 more than i paid this year. The prices are the ones the Chronicle published, which have come straight from the club. What about in the Family Area?
  10. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Ah but it's all great news according to some on here. Dispanding the corner stops the origins for the FCB chants and saves stewarding costs for them. Yup. If we'd all sat down and played nice, we wouldn't have got moved. We wouldn't have pulled back from 4-0 to draw 4-4 with Arsenal either, but never mind that ALL HAIL LEVEL 7 - SAVIOURS OF THE DAY! FOR IT WAS THEY ALONE WHO SLAYTH THE MIGHT DRAGON! NAY NOT THE ARMOURSMITH WHO CRAFTED THE SHIELD THAT DEFLECTED THE FIRE AND CLAWS... NAY, NOT THE SWORDSMITH WHO CRAFTED THE SWORD THAT DOTH PIERCE THE HEART OF THE BEAST... NAY, NOT THE PEASENTS BELOW WHOM SWEAT TIRELESS TO FARM THE LAND TO FEED... FOR THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE HERO IN THE LAND... Basically. Nice and childish. The point I was trying to make, nobby, was that the fans are the ones who get the team motivated sometimes, and pissing off a large chunk of them out of sheer vindictiveness is fucking stupidity. But you carry on with your mighty stories from dungeon and dragons and spectacularly miss the point, there's a good boy I know you're pissed off mate, but he's hardly pissing off a large chunk of the fans. Alright then, I'll not complain about being forced out my seat, forced to pay an extra £100 to move and forced to pay £15 for a membership to something that lets me do everything I could in the first place because most other people are alright. Brilliant deal. I'm gonna go stick it on HotUKDeals I reckon How much did you pay for your season ticket this year?
  11. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Ah but it's all great news according to some on here. Dispanding the corner stops the origins for the FCB chants and saves stewarding costs for them. Yup. If we'd all sat down and played nice, we wouldn't have got moved. We wouldn't have pulled back from 4-0 to draw 4-4 with Arsenal either, but never mind that ALL HAIL LEVEL 7 - SAVIOURS OF THE DAY! FOR IT WAS THEY ALONE WHO SLAYTH THE MIGHT DRAGON! NAY NOT THE ARMOURSMITH WHO CRAFTED THE SHIELD THAT DEFLECTED THE FIRE AND CLAWS... NAY, NOT THE SWORDSMITH WHO CRAFTED THE SWORD THAT DOTH PIERCE THE HEART OF THE BEAST... NAY, NOT THE PEASENTS BELOW WHOM SWEAT TIRELESS TO FARM THE LAND TO FEED... FOR THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE HERO IN THE LAND... Basically. Nice and childish. The point I was trying to make, nobby, was that the fans are the ones who get the team motivated sometimes, and pissing off a large chunk of them out of sheer vindictiveness is fucking stupidity. But you carry on with your mighty stories from dungeon and dragons and spectacularly miss the point, there's a good boy I know you're pissed off mate, but he's hardly pissing off a large chunk of the fans.
  12. Ash

    Season Tickets

    Apparently Where to people do that now on a regular basis? Appart form those who have the balls to not feel like knackers before feeling to embarassed too continue as they realise they're the only ones. Where you hear this? New singing section!!!! everyone who has a season ticket in the soon to be closed leazes corner MOVE DOWN TO LEVEL 4 same corner and there is plenty of seats for everyone, SPREAD THE NEWS, WE WILL BE HANDING OUT FLYERS AT THE NEXT HOME GAME WITH MORE INFO UPDATE** Spoke to the chronicle and they are going to plug the move!! good start ...anywaySee more One of the old lads I know who used to run toon ultras, got it started off etc. Still think the upper Gallowgate would be a much better choice.
  13. I think he's only pulled out at our request as we can't afford him to go down injured.
  14. Ash

    Fraser Forster

    Yet you're happy to have a go at Krul?
  15. Ash

    NUFC Songbook

    What's the tune to it?
  16. Ash

    Nile Ranger

    Did brilliantly today. The chance he had when he turned Squillaci then powered his shot away was the cleanest I've seen him hit the ball, great play. The way he chested the ball down to Nolan in the last minute was also superb.
  17. I thought the same thing leaving the ground.
  18. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hope you enjoyed that, Hatem.
  19. Ash

    NUFC Songbook

  20. Provisional squad (from): Harper, Krul, Simpson, Perch, Ferguson, Enrique, Coloccini, Williamson, Campbell, Tiote, Barton, Nolan, Gutierrez, Guthrie, Vuckic, Richardson, Lovenkrands, Best, Ranger.
  21. Er, well, you've just lost your best player permanently. If that doesn't/didn't have any sort of impact on the team then blimey, you've got a hell of a team spirit and mentality. I honestly don't believe he was our best player.
  22. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    No thank you. I'd rather wait for the game after than throwing him in against them.
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