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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Not sure if you know how the fishing thing works like, you supposed to use that when someone hooks Was only pointing it out, not sure anyone's been serious like.
  2. Ash

    Players in public

    you don't ride work on one of his horses do you? Ronaldo, I'm about 5ft 10" at a push with my Sunday best shoes on. No way is he 5ft 11" I met him 2 years ago at a talk-in; I'm 5'11" and he was a fraction taller than me. Maybe he's shrank since then.
  3. Ash

    Moussa Sissoko

    Think I enjoyed it more when Kinnear was talking trash in the media. Get back in your box, Alan.
  4. Thinking this myself, the 10/11 on offer for a Queensland series win won't hang around for long. Got on @ -11.5 when it was 10-0 this morning. Should have taken the -4 before KO but it was still very comfortable anyway, awesome performance. Good work Froggy (and you too I presume, Stu).
  5. Fucking hell, that's been backed right in. Sure I saw it @ 7/4 yesterday. The bookies definitely on the run after the Spain game it seems. EDIT: He isn't starting either.
  6. Feels good, man. Whack it on Canterbury Bulldogs -8. FUCK YOU, ASH. FUCK YOU. Blame Froggy. Hope you backed over points tonight. What a dick. You want to aim that at the man in my avatar, he's pretty much the main reason the Doggies didn't win.
  7. Feels good, man. Whack it on Canterbury Bulldogs -8. FUCK YOU, ASH. FUCK YOU. Blame Froggy. Hope you backed over points tonight.
  8. True story. Don't trust him at all, the fact he looks about 12 always puts me in doubt. Whereas Moore is the best around. I think if you swap the jockeys in that race, BOM would have won. I've never rated him, he gets turned over on too many good horses. I'm with you too, if Moore's on board he wins it comfortably.
  9. Never back a Joseph O'Brien horse that's an odds-on fav. EDIT: Never back any horse that Joseph O'Brien rides.
  10. Feels good, man. Whack it on Canterbury Bulldogs -8.
  11. Not long...already texted her the score.
  12. Aye it was 2/9. 5/1 pre-game on at least two Spanish hat-tricks looks insane value now.
  13. Fuck off. Aye, Joe, just like at Blackburn away when you got abused all the way through the second half.
  14. That was a few weeks ago but it's not that startling as he's been saying that shit since day 1. He'll be fucking delighted about this the cunt.
  15. Fucking hate football/Monaco.
  16. Boom. Took -2 after the first try, was bricking it for the last 15mins. Should really have been a lot more than what it was. QLD looked awful in the first half and could have been down 24-0 quite easily. Aye, the amount of errors they made was ridiculous. Annoying that QLD's try came off two forward passes and then Smith's kick somehow hitting the beans and creeping over to make it a tense end to the game, could really have done without that! Some temping looking handicaps for the weekend, always wary when it's the weekend after Origin though.
  17. Boom. Took -2 after the first try, was bricking it for the last 15mins.
  18. Ash

    Tom Ince

    Ironically enough, having his Dad as his manager is probably the reason he tailed off.
  19. Ash

    The England Thread

    ..........honestly except Forde, Coleman, O'Shea, St Ledger, Kelly, Walters, McCarthy, Whelan, McGeady, Keane, Long thats not all that bad FYP.
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