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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Unless we get humilated (not beyond the realms of possibility), I can't see there being any discontent at SJP whatsoever. The number of people who have fallen for his injuries/Europe patter is unbelievable. I'd be amazed and very disappointed and frustrated if there aren't some anti Pardew demos at the game next week. I reckon there'll be people kicking off in the ground if someone did unfurl a banner
  2. How much did you get on mate? I got distracted and had to nip out so fortunately didn't get round to it.
  3. Did well today, won everything he needed to in the air.
  4. Garth Crooks is pretty much insane tbh http://p.twimg.com/Ay_3vXECAAAtWw1.jpg 'DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...'
  5. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Referee must have been a bit puzzled about the winning manager coming in for a whinge after the final whistle Hope he told him how crucial it was, just as he did in his interview.
  6. Pardew's adamant it wasn't a sending off so that's highly unlikely.
  7. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Actually thought he was going to start crying when he started moaning about the ref.
  8. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Thankfully we applied ourselves in those three tough away games against West Brom, West Ham and QPR. Fuck me.
  9. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Making out like he should be praised for us staying up because a year like this in terms of injuries usually leads to relegation. Get the fuck out.
  10. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Get off the tele you stupid cunt. Full of shit.
  11. World-class performance today. Well done Steve.
  12. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7325/8731961944_e5052fe17c_o.gif
  13. You'd like to think they'll be really going for it today to send Ferguson off with a bang. Can't imagine he'll want the final game of his career at OT to end in anything but a win.
  14. Tempted to pile into Man Utd @ 2/5, that's a very good price. -1 at over EVS is also tempting.
  15. No forum bet on QPR today?
  16. Gerrard showed better form for England than Lampard ever has, ironically in the period before Lampard came into the England team, and he was playing with Scholes centrally. I'm with Tooj on this one. Between 2003 and 2006, Lampard was practically carrying England, he was fantastic. Gerrard's never really done that over a sustained time in my eyes. He'll pop up with the odd great game every now and again but he's never matched what Lampard did over that period. You getting ol' Lamps and Rooney mixed up mate? Not at all.
  17. Gerrard showed better form for England than Lampard ever has, ironically in the period before Lampard came into the England team, and he was playing with Scholes centrally. I'm with Tooj on this one. Between 2003 and 2006, Lampard was practically carrying England, he was fantastic. Gerrard's never really done that over a sustained time in my eyes. He'll pop up with the odd great game every now and again but he's never matched what Lampard did over that period.
  18. Contender? He's already got it wrapped up.
  19. 1 in 3 over 600 games from a midfielder. Ridiculous One of the very best English midfielders ever. Agreed. Always preferred him to Gerrard.
  20. Super Frank. Amazing achievement.
  21. Ash

    Alan Pardew

    Annoys the fuck out of me how you see Wigan taking the game to Man City, then compare it to how we set up against them, basically waving the white flag before a ball had even been kicked. Negative bastard.
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