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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. I don't mean to be overly fatalistic, but with the present set-up, wtf is the point of being a fan of this club?
  2. Monaco were rumoured to be after both, tbf.
  3. Won't be the last to jump ship this summer after that season, and the prospect of another with Pardew.
  4. I'm not surprised. But when our team couldn't score enough goals, we sell our top scorer and best chance creator. As long as Ashley's here, that's just the way it's going to be. I want to stand up and fight it, but everyone will just tell me to sit down and shut up and don't make a scene.
  5. I know I'm being pessimistic, but January only caught us back up to where we should have been. I never imagined last June that the club would just release, and rest on their laurels given Europa League. I worry that January will be the cash splash, and that'll do, and we'll fall behind again. It's pessimistic, but I guess by the time I got to July last year I knew we were going to be in trouble transfer-wise. And the lack of rumours, and links to lacklustre targets remind me of another Curtis Good and Vurnon Anita - a few kids, and a gifted player we don't know how to use. Yeah, someone get me some medication.
  6. We're just unbelievably shite at summer transfer windows.
  7. Never been less excited about a transfer window tbh.
  8. ChrisMcQuillan


    Meanwhile, Pardew, Mike and Dezza sit down to discuss last week's episode of Waterloo Road, and, if they can get them over the line, have a few discussions over whether to buy after we sell, or just to sell.
  9. That's me. My save/spill horror has been captured in HD from about 150 angles as well...
  10. Aye. Someone said "we've watched a lot of European games this season, and if I'm honest, it's tired us out"
  11. Really, really enjoyed that. Didn't have the 'wow' factor since it was my second time, but I thought it was a better and more enjoyable game. Very close in the end. My back's utterly f***ed. Also, whoever was doing Pardew's faux-press conference in the tunnel after:
  12. Need some advice - didn't realise trains were starting so late, so am driving from Durham. Best place to park?
  13. This is what I'm picking up off the trains post-game and everything. "Aye, we were s***, but we need stability and our finances are great and we were good last season." It's like they've just had the bullshit pumped into their brain and they regurgitate it when asked any question. I think you're right Spudil, the club's PR is more effective than we give it credit for.
  14. Running a poll on the United For Newcastle Facebook, and it would appear that it's about 50:50 in terms of people being happy that he's staying... Can someone please explain to me why this is happening? Has some kind of psychoactive drug been pumped into the Tyne lately?
  15. Not buying another ticket while he's there.
  16. It's unbelievable that he'd back Pardew despite the fan hatred, and then refuse to bid for the only target Pardew has named in public.
  17. Been in furious fitness training for this. I ran inside out of the rain recently.
  18. He went to QPR because Fernandes offered to play him at FIFA round his place. We missed absolutely nowt in Remy. We may have finished higher, but in the long run, I'm glad he's no where near this club.
  19. I never said everyone rotates, I simply said the best sides rotate - because they can. That's where the board let us down in summer. But all I'm pointing out is that this problem has been endemic for a lot of seasons, and before Ashley. And I seem to recall the medical staff changing when Allardyce came in, post-Roeder, and injuries continuing nonetheless despite Fat Sam's fabled sports science.
  20. But they haven't been for years. Umpteen different medical teams here, and our players are always injured. Remember the Huntington - Edgar CB partnership. Not an excuse though, is it. No, it's definitely not. I'm hugely anti-Pardew, I really am, but I don't think it's fair to attribute injuries to Pardew or his team's medical approach specifically. Personally, I'd say it's down to years of not having enough squad depth. The likes of Man City, Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea - teams with greater commitments in terms of number of games - rotate players. They're even willing to field a slightly weaker starting XI if they're fitter. I don't remember us doing that. We always seem to play the strongest squad available on paper, regardless of their fitness overall. Maybe that's because the drop in quality to the bench is seen as being too large. But if that's the case, it resonates up to board level, rather than Pardew, and has done so before Ashley.
  21. But they haven't been for years. Umpteen different medical teams here, and our players are always injured. Remember the Huntington - Edgar CB partnership.
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