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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. We have been horseshit. We've been playing kids and retirees because, as a few people have mentioned, our entire first team is missing through injury or suspension.
  2. They've been very good. Great pressing, great energy. If there's a long term worry from this game, it's that teams are starting to figure out that we're not good enough (yet) to play out under pressure, properly. Especially without Bruno.
  3. Is there something in the water tonight? Jesus, some people need bans for this absolutely ridiculous toxicity.
  4. Been plenty worse than this, considering the circumstances.
  5. Good on Lascelles giving him a right bollocking for that suicide pass.
  6. Will be tough if the Premier League impose their "everyone can sign players except Newcastle" rule, as well.
  7. Already has one. Tbf, we constantly get fouls given against us for the same.
  8. There's not really been any stoppages have there?
  9. What on earth is the issue here? It was touch and go, yes, but it wasn't definitively wrong like plenty of other decisions have been. Look at Willock's disallowed goal versus Palace. That was something you could write a statement about. This? Give me a break.
  10. This referee is on the take. You could tell from the first ten minutes.
  11. Couldn't be offside, as Joelinton didn't touch the ball surely? Ball couldn't definitively be proven out. Wasn't a foul. Not that difficult.
  12. Now, over to the cup draw. But first, let's find out what Karel Poborsky's second home looks like in this thirty minute exclusive.
  13. Don Goodman holding a funeral for Neto live on air.
  14. Would there be any chance that this would constitute a breach of contract and he could be released? Just wondering, as obviously would have significant FFP implications if the wages could be freed back up again.
  15. Pretty sure it's 42,000. Unless they're getting extended prior to the tournament? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Park
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