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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. we do need someone to play on the right...
  2. just to get things back on track. I've heard Sven has signed a new boot deal
  3. they have been binned. this season is their last one.
  4. Big River


    aye, 2k under 14’s I think they said. similar to Hungary except ours aren’t little racists.
  5. Big River


    I blame Southgate personally. and that cunt Keown.
  6. Big River


    what a save that is Rambo
  7. Big River


    like a knife through butter. ffs Gareth
  8. Big River


    it’s behind closed doors.
  9. that is horrific can't believe people watch/listen to that utter shit. I'd genuinely rather watch Adam P, he's much funnier.
  10. was impressed with Ibanez in that Europa Conference final. seemed to often be in the right place at the right time, key interceptions, and brought the ball out of defence really well. I just assumed he was some veteran CB having a really good game, can't believe he's only 23.
  11. fair play like, great effort getting that sorted
  12. Danjuma speaking well on SSN just there, saying he has unfinished business in the Prem. could see it happening.
  13. sometimes less is more. I think it looks very smart.
  14. his interview, man. he's so bloody canny. would definitely paint warhammers with him if he asked.
  16. absolutely no need for this
  17. if he maintains his form going into the new season, and with a bit of luck, he could be in serious contention for an England call up to the World Cup. imagine that?? starting this campaign early... TARGETT FOR ENGLAND
  18. I’m getting the word… soon
  19. good point. completely forgot Lewis existed. if there's a player in there, wor Eddie will find him.
  20. I'm sure it will be now, if we start benefitting from it
  21. it's a better effort than the retro shirt, but the text still isn't vertically aligned properly.
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