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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. safe standing would improve things dramatically. if only to shift the more passive fans elsewhere. speaking of atmosphere, and the mackems saying it's manufactured... when it comes to the flags they're dead wrong (shock) - but I do feel a bit like that when it comes to the PA and music. I wish he'd learn to read the crowd, and keep the music off after a big win, to let the fans celebrate organically. last night was a perfect opportunity to sing a few Howe songs for example, and show our appreciation. instead we got Primal Scream and Hey Jude again. meh, might sound nitpicky, and of course it's minor in the grand scheme of things, I just want things to be even minter!
  2. the benefit to not having a season ticket but still attending every game (since the takeover, of course) has meant I've managed to experience the Gallowgate upper, mid, lower, and both corners. It'd be nice to have options, but unfortunately nothing comes close to The Corner™ in terms of what I want from going to the match. gonna slit my wrists when the only season tickets available are in the Milburn or Leazes
  3. he's going to fail big time, and I can't fucking wait.
  4. depends when you sit. the corner is always decent, everywhere else is pretty much a library. the whole Gallowgate needs to be safe standing, shift any day trippers and old farts somewhere else. might sound harsh, but the amount of kids on ipads and old women with shopping bags is ridiculous. total waste of a ticket. should have to pass a test to qualify getting in. name at least 5 of the current squad or something. reckon we'd be down to 30k straight off the bat
  5. could watch these cunts getting battered all day long.
  6. Toney would do, but I'd much prefer Tammy, not sure if that's realistic though.
  7. I'm trying to think of one elite level CM blessed with pace...
  8. so proud to have this lot associated with our club. selfless living legends who work their bollocks off to make the matchday experience infinitely better for everyone. would love to buy each and every one of them a pint.
  9. well done gaffa, you've earned this.
  10. we're going to spend at least 100m, naive to think otherwise.
  11. fuck sake they’re going to use the Wood money to go get Pep. I can’t believe we’ve done this.
  12. same to be honest. fairly obvious we won't be in any danger of relegation, so it should be an enjoyable transfer window and season! all things considered, we had an extremely good January window. and it's never going to be that difficult again. excited to see what we do.
  13. big fan of that result. Everton are toast.
  14. new thread because the last one got to a thowasand payges old thread: https://newcastle-online.org/topic/32492-sunderland/
  15. Big River


    if you can't beat them...
  16. we’ll always have the memories…
  17. some of you lot are fucking nuts.
  18. Big River

    On this day...

    was just about post this! what a little run of games that was. we were running riot. Rich and I were in Miami for WrestleMania 28 the same time, watched this (or might have been the Swansea game) with @Kanji and @cubaricho - unbelievable couple of weeks.
  19. stats like this are nonsense though. he's played pretty much every game this season, in a team that has a ton of possession, where a lot of the play goes down his side. not to mention he's on set pieces. so naturally he's going to have a lot of touches that end up as "lost possession".
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