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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. So what? According to them every other member of the "Liverpool family" is one of the best players in his position in the world apart from Messi and CRonaldo. We just haven't seen it yet.
  2. Finally ended a week in the top 100 Thank you. Thank you all.
  3. England would have gone to the next round in the World Cup if special captain fantabulous Gerard hadn't stunk up the place. He also has no personality whatsoever to go along with his rapidly declining footballing importance. Massive dig from Carragher saying there were "no men" out on the pitch yesterday. I know it's fashionable and good time to say stuff like that, but let's not re-write history. England were utterly awful in every single sense and position at the WC and got exactly what they deserved. They would have gone out even without that Gerrard assist to Suarez. It's not fashionable at all. I've been saying this since the season before last about him. He's totally finished, and has been for a while.
  4. England would have gone to the next round in the World Cup if special captain fantabulous Gerard hadn't stunk up the place. He also has no personality whatsoever to go along with his rapidly declining footballing importance. Massive dig from Carragher saying there were "no men" out on the pitch yesterday.
  5. Nothing is more beautiful than watching an ageing and ailing Steven Geraaaaaaaahhhd sauntering about the pitch completely unmotivated to help out his "liverpool family". Massive set of wankers the lot of them.
  6. They've already lost twice as many matches as we have
  7. He's never blown me away when I've seen him Force to be reckoned with tbh
  8. Through ball to Ayoze was better IMO.
  9. You forgot about Sanchez but agree with you apart from that What about Sanchez? He gave the ball away in ridiculous situations. His needless pass gave away possession that led to Man U's second goal. Too many flicks and tricks tonight. Playing left back, etc.. He's a very good player, but tonight he was all fart and no shit.
  10. Arsenal are absolutely pathetic going forward. Apart from Oxlade-Chamberlain no one looks to have a clue what to do. That aimless single touch in the center of the D by random Arsenal player to absolutely nobody is one of the most predictable things in football. Also, Santi Cazorla is a nothing player. Oxlade-Chamberlain can be far bigger than Arsenal. Superb player.
  11. Unless it's Hodgson at Liverpool or some Spurs cunt not living up to expectations, then criticising managers isn't alright.
  12. When the pressure is unfounded or knee-jerk I would agree. In our case that's utter bollocks because Pardew got everything he deserved, and the pressure was even kind to him if I'm honest. I take it you mean he deserved everything he got. Because he certainly got off lightly when the pressure should have bee ramped up to its highest and unfortunately the sackpardew campaign was largely ignored by the majority in the ground. Yup. Not worded it properly. The fucker got off very lightly and should have been under a lot more pressure. Even so, I do think the protests and the media attention got him to sit up and notice, and appear as if he's changing his ways. How someone can dismiss that a protest can have a good effect on a football team off-hand without actually looking at the facts is beyond me tbh.
  13. When the pressure is unfounded or knee-jerk I would agree. In our case that's utter bollocks because Pardew got everything he deserved, and the pressure was even kind to him if I'm honest.
  14. Holy s*** i love this kind of striker. Proper finisher. Always in the right place. Always ahead of his marker. Just seems to put it away effortlessly.
  15. Colbacks Mam?? Camp Where's Wally at the back, 3 along from Willie Thorne tucking into his bait. cant see that Nobody spotted Adolf yet- day dreaming of Wars, about 6 people from the right in front of the white fence near the back. literally spat the coffee out. just seen the fucker
  16. themanupstairs

    Paul Dummett

    Fucking hell total rebrand coming with full paragraphs and many words, I love it. Totally agree fwiw.
  17. Injuries come with all the "relaxing" these players do. Constantly sat on your arse for hours playing the playstation with your feet up puts your entire spine under quite a bit of pressure. Muscle injuries follow.
  18. What is this I don't even..... (the new avatar )
  19. Will you Miss Suarez? Brentan: "Not really. " His answer is as stupid as the question itself in all fairness.
  20. "I went to Sunderland on trial, and new Sunderland manager/chairman Niall Quinn offered me a three-year contract: £3,000 per week, with £1,000 extra for each appearance and win bonuses. I celebrated by buying a Mini. I was advised to buy a BMW, but I didn't want to drive around Sunderland, which isn't a wealthy town, in a fancy car" http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2214340-dreams-to-dust-life-after-football-for-the-future-stars-who-never-made-it?utm_source=outbrain.com&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=special-projects
  21. Keith Bishop clearly doing some work behind the scenes now. Nobody can be THAT blind and THAT stupid. It's an obvious PR job to turn opinions around.
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