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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. big Andy Carroll at Stoke. Otherwise I agree with Jimmymag
  2. Well if we're going to be pedantic here, I will strongly disagree. The names that NE5 mentions did not defend Ashley as much as they indicted Shepherd for his mistakes. As far as I know macbeth was "chief culprit" in providing the club accounts that showed the shambles that Shepherd left us with. Of course that did not go down too well with NE5, and he's gone and lumped the lot of them in one basket, completely oblivious to the same old downright embarrassing posts he himself has showered us with at times.
  3. Oh and for the record - and in before the inevitable lock - this has got to be the most ridiculously spiteful point scoring thread. NE5, I know you're hurting man, we all are. This thread just takes the biscuit
  4. I think it's the 5th best thread bar 4 threads Yeah but one thread got relegated. not just yet
  5. I think it's the 5th best thread bar 4 threads
  6. Indeed. Anyway my point was a serious one. What you guys don't seem to realise is that most others don't share your perception of your club. 'Best fans in the world'? purlease. Although I accept that the boos at the final whistle on Saturday were probably for Webb, I can honestly say that I've never heard any fans boo their own manager/players as often as you lot. You seem to think you have a right to success and the pressure you apply with your unrealistic demands for it are in part responsible for your current troubles. Fifth place two seasons running wasn't good enough for you. No, and Bobby Robson (also a Fulham legend and very deeply respected in these parts) was shown the door. That your club could treat a gentleman like him so dismissively speaks volumes. And what chance did you give Big Sam? My God, he didn't stand a chance with you lot and your ridiculously inflated expectations. Again, speaks volumes. You seem to think that you can draw up a wishlist of managers and players and that those on it would jump at the chance of joining NUFC. Delusional. Roy Hodgson is far too intelligent to submit himself to your ridiculous infantile demands. You seem to be the only ones who don't see that. Best fans in the world? That's hilarious. You have made your club unmanagable and, so it seems, unsellable. COYW FOYJB
  7. legend tbh P.S.: are you going all soft on us tray? i've noticed this recently
  8. It's not always about money. actually, i think you'll find it is for people who don't have any dude I could understand if it was a prick like Ronaldo. It's Martin Laursen though, a top professional both on and off the pitch. you might be mistaking apathy for dislike here...? I think it comes down to the same thing. I feel sorry for Laursen because he's a genuine bloke who I'd say values playing football ahead of money. on what do you base that? not that it matters, the point stands - i'm still far too devastated that i never made professional football 'cause i was s*** and overweight to have sympathy for this fucker Just my opinion, it's the way he comes across. Not all footballers are c***s. of course they're not, but a millionaire like laursen, assuming he's not a c***, will look back on a nice career and a comfortable retirement i understand it's just platitudes from people, they're just unnecessary The thing is, unlike many others (some on our own books), he's not carrying on, fleecing Villa (or any other clubs) of money, while fully aware of his knee problems. He's realised he can't pursue a pro career from hereon, and has packed it in. The "honorable" thing to do.
  9. Wow!! 11 goals from center half in under 5 years is quite a return. Fantastic player and professional. Shame for him and Villa.
  10. Tuncay Sanli? fuck that! Not after the way he celebrated that goal. Twat can fuck off back to the turkish league or rot in the fizzy pop league
  11. Well, Santa is a Geordie. So anything's possible. (When I read .com's report something twigged in my mind about Rusedski and Newcastle prior to this as well. He loves the Toon.) I also seem to have some sort of memory of him being a Newcastle fan along with that Canadian sprinter
  13. absolutely right. if you follow the link though, you'll see why dave whelan is still a cunt
  14. This is absolutely ridiculous. If I were a Wigan supporter (I'd be one of 5, I know!!) I would be insulted by Dave Whelan's cretinous comments. Shame if we derail their title challenge??? What a fucking wankstain this man is!! He, Stever Bruce and Wigan football club can all fuck off. Classless tossers the lot of them.
  15. 42 Stuck on Wimbledon for ages
  16. Burnt out. The new Kluivert. You're going str8888888888888888 to hell with those comments, the pair o'yiz
  17. OMFG :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Agreed. It's not his weight that's the problem, but rather his agility and mobility. I think doing some sort of yoga or tai chi would go a long way to helping him
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