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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. If his family is supportive of his work, and they know they'll get some vacation time maybe just before the players return for pre-season, then by all means, I hope he works his cute spanish ass off.
  2. I hope he gets a rest at some point, and I really hope he's looking after his health and family together with running the club pretty much year round.
  3. Pastore and Di Maria homes raided. PSG HQ as well. Tax investigation. Yes please.
  4. "if it's the right long term project" Aye pards. Because you're so far above Sunderland's station, you'd be doing them a favor.
  5. Cringefest at the Bridge. He cried more than Neymar normally does which was a shock to see.
  6. Always have wished there was a way to just play the game, and do away with cheating which isn't part of it. I hope this is the right path forward.
  7. Love how he hedges his bets by saying "I could be wrong". Can't remember the last time we "expected" to beat anyone in the league let alone anyone apart from the top 4. What a f***ing dildo
  8. Can't help thinking that those who have "seen nothing" from him to indicate that he's talented, have never actually played football themselves. No he hasn't performed as well as we had hoped, or as well as one would have expected dropping down a league. But to say that he brings nothing to the team is nigh on hyperbole. He has all the hallmarks of a player playing with zero confidence. I'm not advocating we keep him tbh. Just saying that he's a talented lad who can have a tendency to sulk and let his weight go when it's not going for him. It's certainly something that can be worked on. I'm a mind coach for athletes and I have seen it happen when something just clicks one day, and a transformation happens that allows the athlete to elevate their game to its full potential. This one is for Rafa to sort out, and it could be a key decision to keep or sell. If we do sell, I'd rather we did so having brought in a new main striker as well as someone to replace Mitrovic.
  9. Agree with this. Shelvey is supremely talented but if he can't match that with athleticism, he might be a luxury we can't afford in PL, at least in center midfield. He might also not be happy sat on the bench now that we are back in the top division, so I could see him go. I suppose it depends on who we get in midfield. If Rafa can find a dynamic f***er with an engine like Kante's, then Shelvey might be able to get away with it. Or maybe Rafa will try him in the number 10 role? He is a converted striker iirc?
  10. I don't give a fuck about Ashley. The only one who can really make a difference is Rafa fucking Benitez. Looking at Sunderland's recent financial info tells the story that money isn't everything in football. If you give money to a shit manager to spend, it will leave you relegated with massive debts. Whatever money he gets, Rafa will spend it on what he thinks we need. It will also be done over several windows. He knows that success is built, not bought.
  11. Aye. Was just that Clements bellend on Twitter saying he'd walked. Same cunt who said we were signing Torres.
  12. He didn't want us to concede so we would finish the season as (equal) top scorers and with the equal best defence with Brighton. How he finds small targets for improvement, even when resigned to finishing runners-up, tells you everything you need to know about this guy.
  13. Yedlin is probably in the middle tier in terms of players we need an upgrade on. Not an absolute emergency, but if Rafa could land a more established RB for him to learn from then why not? If Anita does leave, and I think he should for his own and the club's sake, then his replacement should be better than him.
  14. I fucking hate David Stockdale for his moronic comments about NUFC bottling it. Fuck off you ugly chavvy cunt and let that right through your fat butter fingers. Here's a bottle for you David
  15. f***ing hell Small time club with small time fans. Nowt to see here.
  16. 100% bought referee. There is absolutely no way that was a penalty. Watching the game here as well, and Brighton have literally done fuck all apart from be gifted a penalty. There is no doubt in my mind that it is corrupt.
  17. The f*** is he supposed to say when asked that question? That's showing a lot of restraint ffs 'No comment'? Seriously? Well thank fuck Benitez isn't the obedient bottler the FA (and some of our fans) want him to be. The ref is an integral part of a football match, and the appointments are an integral part of the season, more so when your team is getting fucked by them on a monthly basis.
  18. :lol: Are those real? If Warnock doesn't get done for that, then it's pretty obvious what's gone on.
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