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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Can't wait for football to implode in on itself. FWIW I reckon by 2026 FIFA in its current form will have fallen on its arse and been replaced by some other type of governing body.
  2. This is exactly the kind of signing we should be making if we go up. I'd even pay the Sissoko money for Sigurdsson.
  3. I'm biased of course, but imagine being in the home dugout at St. James' Park as the manager and looking around the full stadium, imagine being the away manager at any ground looking at your Newcastle fans in their thousands supporting their team like crazy. Imagine all of that and being so negative and so f***ing miserable like Pardew, like Allardyce... Makes no sense to me! Times a million for Ashley. NUFC is a great f***ing institution, a great football club in a great city with a great public as Sir Bobby would say. How many people have wasted such a once in a lifetime situation at this dear club of ours, managers, players and owners etc.? Its criminal really. This is the HTT I know
  4. Fortunate that we're competing with actual human football teams and not points-collecting robots like a lot of people seem to think. excellent
  5. I don't think Rafa works on different tactics, he works on the same tactics, shape, control, discipline, all within the restraints of a rigid 4-2-3-1. It's relatively successful at this level, however entertaining and good to watch it isn't. Yeah, definitely same tactics for every game, that's why he's won so many trophies. This country.... You saying he's better than Ian Holloway? Is that what you're trying to say?
  6. This. Exactly the same way we choked away to Brighton and Huddersfield.
  7. There are some seriously thick fuckers around here
  9. Looks rather optimistic. Especially as we're 5 points clear, not 4. Goal difference as good as an extra point as well. Massive GD swing over Brighton in a matter of days.
  10. Absolutely sensational result. No one can be picked out for a bad performance. Well done all around. Huddersfield, fuck off back to the dark ages. Any club's fans singing that shite "the greatest team the world has ever seen" song can fuck right off. Right I'm off to gan radge and neck cowies
  11. All talk was about the pressure on us...just proves how much was on them to get something from this game. Shut up m8. Their boss knows Klopp. They used to bum in berlin
  12. Hahhahaha fuck off you small-time wankers cheering corners and throw-ins. Fuck off Sky studio up yours you chavvy cunts.
  13. It'll be the same mind games from Rafa again to keep Wagner guessing. Highly doubt that Gayle will start, but he can come off the bench in the last 20 minutes to run them ragged after we've hopefully shut them out early on.
  14. Yedlin was turboshit against Brighton, but he is vital against a team like Huddersfield who keep the ball a lot more. We will definitely be playing on the counter and Yedlin can be a formidable weapon.
  15. :lol: :lol: at some of the thick as mince doylums who haven't posted in this thread since FT last night. Give your heads a fucking shake man. Negative for negative's sake. He's by far and away the best manager we could hope for. He isn't perfect but his hard work and dignity doesn't go unnoticed by the fans and the city he works for. So fucking happy he gave it up the arse to the morons who only show up when we are a goal or two down.
  16. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    Dabizas was sacked along with Carver.
  17. In hindsight, maybe Gayle shouldn't have started having just had the circumstances Rafa described, and considering both Perez and Mitrovic had scored in recent games. Having a fully fit Gayle for the run-in is far more important than him starting at home to Villa and BC. Hindsight, of course, is a wonderful thing.
  18. Someone off here (KaKa?) has been raving about him for a while now iirc.
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