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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Hope he sticks it to them by winning us their fucking cup next season.
  2. The FA can go fuck itself AFAIC. Nanny state all over the fucking place. Rafa, the club and the fans were well within their right to question the appointment. Credit to Madley himself on the night that he stayed out of any unnecessary headlines, but the appointment was exactly that. Un-fucking-necessary.
  3. Would love to have Sandro here. I'd have Llorente as well on a two year contract. Llorente, Gayle, Sandro and Mitrovic isn't a bad set of strikers for this league provided we balance out the wings properly and get a good number 10.
  4. That is honestly an utterly shit football shirt.
  5. I think the same goes for Gayle tbh. He's clearly a better goalscorer than Mitrovic and has pace as an added advantage. If he's to score enough goals to make us mid-table competitive next season however, he also needs to develop better awareness in the build-up, and do better when receiving the ball with his back to goal. We desperately need a better main striker than both next season, as well as two goal-scoring midfielders. Sigurdsson is the absolute ideal signing for the number 10 role. Shelvey chipping in with goals would be quite useful if Rafa can find us a steely CDM to cover for his forays forward.
  6. Exactly. Who fucking cares about teams going down, regardless of their size or history. They're fucking shit.
  7. One match left and he's got four. 94% of voters have massively overestimated his shooting ability, id actually say Shola was a better finisher than Mitrovic 94% of voters can't be totally blind and blithering idiots. The guy clearly has footballing ability but a fragile mindset, and has barely strung a sequence of two games together.
  8. I honestly think they're more likely to drop even lower than they are to come back up any time in the next 3 seasons.
  9. Happy days. They're not coming back from this one. Wouldn't mind if they folded and fucked off for good.
  10. Murphy in the PL Lovely chap by all accounts, and scored a few vital goals to keep us ticking along, but howay man.
  11. Reminds me of the interview Sir Bobby gave away at mackem wasteland with our support in the view behind him in the game that Dabizas scored in.
  12. It's his trademark. Remember daydreaming about it when he was first spotted at SJP when the rumours were flying around.
  13. If we can add plenty goals to the team from midfield next season, namely from a number 10 and two wingers (assuming Rafa will continue to play the same way), then that idea might work. If we're heavily reliant on a lone striker to score goals, then it won't.
  14. I think he's putting too much pressure on himself here, so desperate to succeed that it just isn't working out for him. No doubt in my mind that this is the issue and not that he can't score goals due to lack of footballing ability. The mental side of the game is part of a player's overall ability though, and with Benitez as our manager, if he can't get Mitrovic to sort that side of his game out, then I don't believe anyone can. Might be a case of wrong club wrong time for him sadly.
  15. This is the crux for me. I reckon with Mitro it's a lot more about confidence and expectations he has from himself rather than lack of finishing instinct or "being shit". He's a decent enough footballer with decent enough awareness and movement, but his lack of mobility and his psychological mindframe when not getting significant game time, makes him less than an ideal impact sub or understudy to a main striker. I would absolutely love for Mitrovic to be a screaming success at NUFC, but if he doesn't fit Rafa's blueprint for a lone striker then being so young in his career, he shouldn't stay here only to play the role of a plan B or C target man. He's technically better than a "big lump", and should be playing regularly at a level and in a system that gets the best out of him.
  16. I simply don't want anyone else managing this club regardless of who they are.
  17. Brass Neck He's got a point tbh. They're like a legalised mafia. I've got personal experience of their mafia-esque behaviour. This.
  18. Have you spent any time alone with Crumpy lately? Did he touch/bite you in any places where blood flow is elevated? Just asking..
  19. Beye from Marseille as well. We picked up another guy as well, cant remember his name, we shiftd him to Stoke, scored against us??? Rozenhal? Abdoulaye Faye
  20. Mainstream media in talking absolute made-up bollocks shocker. And some on here would have you believe the media never lies
  21. The 4% chance that today's events might see us stay down or heavily docked points at the start of next season is lurking in the back of every Newcastle fan's mind. Hilarious and sickening at the same time.
  22. I usually side with the Caulkin view of things, but come on, there could be 1000 legal/logical reasons why Ashley hasn't reassured Rafa and the playing squad about Charnley.
  23. He's in every fucking thread with the same bollocks
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