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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I love Mitrovic but I have to agree here.
  2. :'( What an incredible photo!!
  3. It's not that. It's the total disdain for the value of money, especially when there is still widespread poverty and hunger in large parts of the world. Obviously no one will pay anywhere near that to buy him, and it's more of a symbolic value, but my point still stands about football being way too profligate with money.
  4. I mean he's the GOAT but come on ffs Football is fucked.
  5. Such tragic news. Can't get my head around it. RIP man of steel
  6. I'm personally more interested/concerned in/about his injury record rather than Arsenal's pecking order tbh. If he could come in and play say 30 out of the 38 games, then he's definitely worth the 15M. He's not even wroth half that if he would only be starting about 10 games or so.
  7. His hold up play looks pretty decent to me, and it could be one of the main reasons aside from predatory instincts and pace that he's being chased by Rafa.
  8. f***!!! Someone should get the link to Rafa sharpish! Please god i hope he sees the comments before we go out and waste 120 million on this brainless oaf!!
  9. Yup. It's all about quality being available to us, especially to a manager like Rafa who loves to rotate. Plus, Rafa has enough gravitas about him that should the player be relatively successful during his loan spell, he'll be more likely to make the move permanent than not.
  10. Why would they make a bid just before playing a CL final? Why not wait until a day after?
  11. Not at all. He certainly has some very positive attributes (unlike say Colback). They're just not best used at LB over an entire season. That's all. Personally I think he would make a good left-sided CB in a 3 at the back type deal, provided he has a very good LWB out wide.
  12. And a couple of the goals were Janmaat's fault iirc.
  13. And Dummett doesn't play like that in the PL? Just because he can put in a tackle or two doesn't make him a good full-back. He's f***ing s*** unless he's playing at CB where it's easier for him to hide his positional limitations. He's absolutely not s*** like - have a look at our record with and without him in the Premier last time - if he hadn't got injured we would probably have stayed up. Paul Dummett, single-handedly keeping NUFC in the PL. Ok now I've heard everything
  14. And Dummett doesn't play like that in the PL? Just because he can put in a tackle or two doesn't make him a good full-back. He's fucking shit unless he's playing at CB where it's easier for him to hide his positional limitations.
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