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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. IMO He has made one glaring mistake, which was to bring Gayle straight back into the starting line-up so soon after his injury, which resulted in him missing even more games.
  2. Reminds me of keeping someone in your fantasy team hoping that THIS week he'll come good. Diame and Lascelles shouldn't be starting, and Mitrovic shouldn't be on the fucking bench. Sort it out Rafa ffs. Throwing promotion away would be unacceptable at this stage regardless who the manager is.
  3. Probably to avoid burn-out seeing as Hayden had never played a full season as a pro, and had limited appearances, even at Hull.
  4. You have the memory of a goldfish, we had to buy a new keeper because we had Darlow and Woodman, Krul and Eliott were both coming back from serious injuries. Of the players that come in Sels has so far failed and he has still got time on his side to come good. Add Lazaar who has so far failed but could still come good and Gamez who was brought in on a free. Gayle has been a success, Ritchie has been a success, Clark has played better than anybody could have expected, Hayden for me has been excellent, Diame has played a lot and couldn't be seen as a success, Yedlin has done well, Murphy has come in and scored goals when needed and Atsu has done a job for us at times and Hanley likewise. That transfer record has almost certainly allowed us to gain promotion at the first time of asking and I would say that his record is as good, if not better than the one of Carr. Aarons came back from a foot injury and done his ankle, Gayle came back from injury and done his other hamstring, it's not as if they came back and had the same injury. Thank you Mick
  5. Fucker below me in second place in my league has lucked out with his captain for the past 5 weeks and has blown past me. The double game-weeks are such a fucker as well with very few teams with much left to play for.
  6. It was one game and he played well. No one is claiming he has suddenly become a rock overnight. But it was quite telling that we defended much higher up the pitch against Leeds and it seemed to suit him well, which wasn't really that much of a surprise. But you can't say he played well for just one game. Unless you have been banging on about the same thing over and over and over in every thread, you don't have permission to suddenly give an opinion on a player's performance in a match he played in, unless the opposition consisted of Zlatan, Messi and Cristiano, and he put them all in his pocket.
  7. The bloke on the pitch was in stoppage time. No idea where the extra 2 mins came from then. Mitrovic and Shelvey fannying about timewasting taking those 2 or 3 corners , when Shelvey got booked for it would be my guess. That was in stoppage time already.
  8. Do you bring him up in every thread and talk down to people in the process? No. You can do one, IanW.
  9. Aye. Stop talking about Mbemba and how he played. It's not like he played Barcelona or owt. Daft fuckers with fickle opinions club this place.
  10. Borini The very definition of a thick talentless mackem prat.
  11. I think we have missed him badly while he's been out. Probably more than we have missed Clark and even Gayle. He helps us keep control of the game and allows Shelvey to play his natural game. He's no world beater, yet, but he's absolutely all over the park, and he seems to understand the game lightyears ahead of his replacement.
  12. A midfielder who puts in a tackle and can turn and pass forward. He can also drive with the ball, and pops up on the flanks calling for the ball, trying to create chances. The difference between him and Turdback is like the difference between Lampard and....Turdback.
  13. What a bunch of fannies. He played well tonight, better than Murphy has of late. He was at the center of everything good we did going forward. The result is a kick in the bollocks, but making it like Mitro was the reason we didn't win is just stupid.
  14. Nauseating. After such a good game as well. Totally feeling sick. Leeds offered absolutely nothing second half.
  15. Also that kit is hhhhnnnnngggg
  16. A mate of mine's mom came to watch a cup final my team was involved in. We lost 2-1 to a dodgy as f*** last minute penalty. My mate chased after the ref at FT and had to be stopped from decking him. The mom took exception to her son's behavior and humiliated him in front of the entire team for using "bad language to the referee". My friend was 25 at the time
  17. How good is James McCarthy at protecting the defence? Not seen enough of him tbh. Is he a massive upgrade on Colback? Pretty sure he's an upgrade alright, but is he likely to make a big difference in comparison to the talentless ginger Screech? Or is he just much of a muchness?
  18. This! Shawcross, Mbemba, Clark and Lascelles would be a decent quartet in the PL. If Mbemba goes, we'd need another ball-player.
  19. Agreed. He's also never relegated anyone, so Arsenal fans can sleep safe in the knowledge that he would never relegate them.
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