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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Definitely. The one he did against Villa past 3 or 4 players to score in 94/95 was ridiculously good. I've got that goal on one of my random videos - absolutely ridiculous, as you say. The ball was on a string attached to his boot. Was that the same match as Barry Venison's piledriver? Aye, and Andy Townsend's. Some brilliant goals in that game.
  2. Problem for me is that Jonas is not a winger. His best work so far has come down the middle. We need him to play the same way Dyer did. It's the only way a ball carrier can be effective. He has the mobility, tenacity and passing of an attacking central midfielder. His poor crossing makes him wasted out in the channels. Can't say much about his finishing, but I'm sure he can tuck one away arriving late into the box. Wish we would at least try it!! Raylor and Duff can play out on the wings for now with Guthrie, Barton and Nolan all out.
  3. Shearer's finishing + Ginola's touch and guile + Cole's movement + Lee's workrate + Gascoigne's passing + Ferdinand's bravery + Keegan's passion = Peter Beardsley
  4. He put in our only decent cross of the entire match that Lescott nearly drove into his own net. Had he missed the ball, Taylor was in for a certain goal.
  5. what exactly is "OK" I like Enrique, he is strong as hell and much quicker than he looks. He chased a ball with Bellamy when we played West Ham, and kept up with him and got ahead of him. Two great attributes which are shared by Bassong too. Enrique has an occasional bad game, and when Barton had a go at him the other week at Blackburn he was right in what he saw, it was poor concentration by Enrique. But this sort of thing can be improved, if the player has the real appetite to work at his game and the hunger to succeed. Overall though, I like him. spot on
  6. And your favourite left-back? Was our best player out there by far in my mind. Got some well deserved applause and encouragement from the fans as well.
  7. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). rubbish, and you have it the wrong way round. Its results on the field that bring in revenue. Oh hurray! NE5's here. Another topic well and truly derailed! how is that derailing the thread ? You're obsessed. You need to go to the pub or something. Would rather not to be honest. Sitting in pubs at any time other than a match day seems rather sad to me, especially if its a regular thing. well, at the risk of derailing the thread, I hope you enjoy Coronation Street or whatever s**** you watch on the TV Wrong again old man . Don't watch any of the soaps. They're crap. Infact I don't watch much telly at all. Its all mindnumbing dross. oh dear. You got a problem with the truth like? You seem to have no problems calling other people silly names. What's the problem with me pointing out that you are nearly pension age? whats the problem with me pointing out that even though you have said you are in your 30's at least, you don't know any more about the club than a 14 year old ? one of the fundamental problems with our society imo, the assumption that age/experience automatically = wisdom i've met people at the game who travelled to every match for 20+ years home & away, travelling across europe on trains 'cause they're scared of flying etc... think as pigshit for the most part, couldn't offer you an insight into their own lives let alone something as complicated as a top-tier professional football club change the terminology to "perception of how the club was pre-1992" then mate. Point taken, I don't think toonlass is "thick", "misguided" is better. I beg your pardon? Heavy night down the pub last night eh NE5? no. Do you ever go to work ? Do you spend your life on here ? Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I was busying working. Do you not work, because you are here more than most, despite hiding your online status? Don't get snidy with me NE5, I am an expert at being a snidy cow! you seem to be here around the clock. Snidy ? Not a chance. I asked you a question as you asked me. I've worked all my life other than a short spell on the dole when I was about 22, and intend to continue until I'm 70 at least, health permitting. It helps me to fund going to the pub Got a couple yrs left then
  8. cant help but laugh at all this. Obviously not going to feel sorry for the kid as he gets paid so much more money than he actually earns through work
  9. No, I don't think Brown did a good job. I don't think Shepherd did either. Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy. We need to spend our way out of it. Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both. However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities. Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good. I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway. The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this. You da man!
  10. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously. Its fine to say that, but has the whole bottom half of the premiership ever been as tight as it is at this point in the season? Put it into context. In an attempt to be as objective as I can be, one could also argue that we are actually lucky that the bottom half's been as tight as it has been (no pun intended). However, this is the reality, and I hope that we look back at this season in 10 years time and think it was a blessing in disguise.
  11. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. ... I just think Ashley probably washes better. The last thing you want is muck under the hood. (Slash... I think Freddy managed us horribly irresponsibly and had we continued on under his control, we would have become Leeds 2 in a matter of years. So while the politics/finance aren't directly more important to me, they will inevitably affect the results on the field. As s*** as we are now, we're not languishing in League One with Leeds and there is little chance of that happening in reality). Our February 17th (today) points total is currently lower than it was at any point under the chairmanship of Freddy Shepherd, so I don't see how you can say he had us closer to Championship football than Ashley does. It's far more realistic now than it has been previously. The rate of our downfall under the previous board was alarming, and we were headed down at a great speed. The only positive thing Ashley has done is to soften the drop and we will hope that he will bring that drop to a grinding halt. Just. Then we can start to build again.
  12. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. None of the above! I just think he meant he fancies Ashley's pretty face over Shepherd wrinkled mug
  13. Yeah, because things are going so well. Why change it? The longer Ive been on the messageboard, the more Ive come round to the idea that you spout s****. Where were we when JK took over and where are we now? You are very confused and unrealistic. Are you saying that if Avram had come in straight after KK and had to deal with exactly the same circumstances that JK did we would have been any better off? Why exactly would you think this? You say things haven't gone great, but in my view, with all things considered I would argue that they have could have been a hell of a lot worse. I know it's trendy to discount JK, but when I look at where we are right now we are in a much stronger position than the majority of our relegation rivals, and with a lot of our better players returning from injury we have every chance of easing away from our predicament. Jk came in and won the players over very quickly and ultimately that is what is the most important factor in our current state of being relegation candidates. Especially when you consider how easily this set of players seem to be willing to cave in and take any excuse not to compete. But whatever, you keep on rubbishing it all, but I'm not buying that s*** because it is absolute bollocks.We actually look like we might be starting to get out of this mess and you think it's a great idea to now bring in Avram Grant out of nowhere because he has really shown he would be great for this club at this point in time. Nonsense. I think I just overdosed on the letter "w"
  14. c***. was wondering where this particular ray of sunshine of a poster was
  15. For all intents and purposes, I think Carroll is good enough for now. Nowhere near Viduka's technical ability, but holds up the ball pretty well imo, and with a good manager to guide him he will get better. He's a brave boy and I think he has it in him.
  16. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. Or me. As ugly as you? naah. only GM is as ugly as you tbh
  17. Put it this way, I'd rather stick with Kinnear for the time being than bring in Grant, give him 6 months to get to know the place and the squad before getting fired for it all going tits up. Which it would. I'm with you mate. And I think Kinnear is bloody terrible. What are you even basing this 'tits up' idea on!? Because he didn't win the Champions League? Ok I'll come at you from a different angle since you're insisting on making me out to look like I missed the CL final or summat. Please list Avram Grant's unique qualities which qualify him to be our next manager, to move the club forward and aim to climb up the table again, back to where we were under SBR (and possibly beyond). I'll throw one in for free: - Better than Kinnear then what? I guess that's just the difference between you and me mate... at this point, where we are destined to go down with such a manager, that 'unique quality' is good enough for me. Who was better? Souness? Roeder? Big Sam? Being better than Joe Kinnear isn't some miraculous quality. Grant offers nothing else other than being more up to date with today's game. IMO that's not enough, and if we're going down with Kinnear, we'd still go down or get dangerously close to it with Grant. The manager is the single most important person at the football club. Avram Grant doesn;t have the quality, bottle, personality or experience to be the most important person at a club like Newcastle United. Deluded to think that 'a club like Newcastle United' has more pressure or need for bottle than taking over from Jose Mourinho at Chelsea. Absolutely deluded. Name one other club that saw the scenes on display at the home game against Hull. If you don't think our fans are high maintenance, then you need to look closer. Christ almighty I sound like NE5 Arbitrary point because of the unique event leading up to it. Therefore there's no definitive answer to that. Just like there's no answer to naming another club that had the unique situation that Grant walked into at Chelsea. There is more to it than just fans too. Like the media, Chelseas previous success, Mourinhos character and the heirachy. The media were all over Grant because he wasn't the same character as Mourinho, and because Mourinho had been a massive success. That past success + the media + Abramovich + fans = pressure. Thats a lot to handle. Again, theyre unique situations, but there are similarities. Im not saying managing us would be a walk in the park, but I don't think it would be any harder than the situation he was in with Chelsea. Taking over from Mourinho isn't hugely different to taking over from Keegan, theyre both huge icons for their respective clubs. And both were Big characters. The media are all over us for being a laughing stock as much as they were on Chelsea to mess up under Grant post Mourinho. Both have Owners who think they know best but probably dont, both have pressure, both require bottle. Our fans are vociferous, but where is our past success? our pressure to win the champions league from a multi-billionaire? Our pressures come from being in a perilous position under a s**** manager, from living in Keegans shadow and not moving on, from the Blind (Ashley) leading the stupid (Kinnear) Our dreams might be the same, but our needs are much more modest at the moment. In fact theyre very modest, when the alternative looks like being Kinnear. Thats why I think Grant would be a good appointment. I see what you're saying, and you're certainly not debating a bad point. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. Ultimately you think Grant has got what it takes, I don't.
  18. Put it this way, I'd rather stick with Kinnear for the time being than bring in Grant, give him 6 months to get to know the place and the squad before getting fired for it all going tits up. Which it would. I'm with you mate. And I think Kinnear is bloody terrible. What are you even basing this 'tits up' idea on!? Because he didn't win the Champions League? Ok I'll come at you from a different angle since you're insisting on making me out to look like I missed the CL final or summat. Please list Avram Grant's unique qualities which qualify him to be our next manager, to move the club forward and aim to climb up the table again, back to where we were under SBR (and possibly beyond). I'll throw one in for free: - Better than Kinnear then what? I guess that's just the difference between you and me mate... at this point, where we are destined to go down with such a manager, that 'unique quality' is good enough for me. Who was better? Souness? Roeder? Big Sam? Being better than Joe Kinnear isn't some miraculous quality. Grant offers nothing else other than being more up to date with today's game. IMO that's not enough, and if we're going down with Kinnear, we'd still go down or get dangerously close to it with Grant. The manager is the single most important person at the football club. Avram Grant doesn;t have the quality, bottle, personality or experience to be the most important person at a club like Newcastle United. Deluded to think that 'a club like Newcastle United' has more pressure or need for bottle than taking over from Jose Mourinho at Chelsea. Absolutely deluded. Name one other club that saw the scenes on display at the home game against Hull. If you don't think our fans are high maintenance, then you need to look closer. Christ almighty I sound like NE5
  19. Am I dreaming? or did Happy Face just do a Happy Post??
  20. Put it this way, I'd rather stick with Kinnear for the time being than bring in Grant, give him 6 months to get to know the place and the squad before getting fired for it all going tits up. Which it would. I'm with you mate. And I think Kinnear is bloody terrible. What are you even basing this 'tits up' idea on!? Because he didn't win the Champions League? Ok I'll come at you from a different angle since you're insisting on making me out to look like I missed the CL final or summat. Please list Avram Grant's unique qualities which qualify him to be our next manager, to move the club forward and aim to climb up the table again, back to where we were under SBR (and possibly beyond). I'll throw one in for free: - Better than Kinnear then what? I guess that's just the difference between you and me mate... at this point, where we are destined to go down with such a manager, that 'unique quality' is good enough for me. Who was better? Souness? Roeder? Big Sam? Being better than Joe Kinnear isn't some miraculous quality. Grant offers nothing else other than being more up to date with today's game. IMO that's not enough, and if we're going down with Kinnear, we'd still go down or get dangerously close to it with Grant. The manager is the single most important person at the football club. Avram Grant doesn;t have the quality, bottle, personality or experience to be the most important person at a club like Newcastle United.
  21. I'm feeling stupid. Care to expand on what you mean there? Yorkie's off form today. Cut him some slack. He can't expand on babble
  22. Put it this way, I'd rather stick with Kinnear for the time being than bring in Grant, give him 6 months to get to know the place and the squad before getting fired for it all going tits up. Which it would. I'm with you mate. And I think Kinnear is bloody terrible. What are you even basing this 'tits up' idea on!? Because he didn't win the Champions League? Ok I'll come at you from a different angle since you're insisting on making me out to look like I missed the CL final or summat. Please list Avram Grant's unique qualities which qualify him to be our next manager, to move the club forward and aim to climb up the table again, back to where we were under SBR (and possibly beyond). I'll throw one in for free: - Better than Kinnear then what?
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