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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. It's a marvellous world where a t*** can take the piss out of his customers year after year and they worry about upsetting him if they complain. Is that what you say? Ok let's take a hypothetical situation, where by you were a Newcastle supporter living in a remote mountain range, doing research for years, and did not have access to television to watch your beloved NUFC. Would you stop following the club? Do you follow the club purely for the entertainment value? Or do you support the club in a competitive spirit, wanting it to be the best and win every game? Movie-goers are customers, theater-goers are customers, if you go to a restaurant you're a customer. If a restaurant was badly run and managed, you'd stop going, end of. We are fucking football supporters! There is none of this customer service shite, regardless of how much you pay for your ST, corporate box, or Sky subscription. This is why, what Ashley does is of paramount importance, as it affects the club, and our lives. In turn, and since he owns the bloody damn thing, it is even more important that we establish a good relationship with him and his people, for the good of Newcastle United. Ah fuck it. Wrote the above post in between 5 phonecalls at work. Dunno if it still makes any bloody sense.
  2. It's not a boycott. It's a rally. A rally for what ? NUSC So if there are people there chanting for Ashley to leave they are not there for NUSC is that what your saying ? Serious question. I'm not saying anything like that. Many people want Ashley to go and many don't. Many are NUSC members and many aren't. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, so I'm sure you will get some of those chants. But then you get those chants away from NUSC organised rallys too. I've chanted it myself in the stadium without a committee telling me it was ok. But in an organised rally stuff surely has to be organised therefore the leaflets should be all join NUSC, banners saying the same and people in charge of what happens. Thats the whole point of an organised committee and an organised rally. What I predict will happen is you will have an overruling over people chanting for Ashley to go and for cockneys this and that and that is my whole problem with the current set up of NUSC. It appears from the outside to be a solely anti Ashley protest group. I'm sorry but that is how it looks and how it sounds from their meetings. The NUSC can't prohibit members of the public from voicing their own opinions in a public place though. They've taken the precaution of organising their rally away from the stadium so in the event that it does turn into an anti-Ashley gathering it doesn't affect those who disagree, or the players on the pitch. I think 90% of fans are anti-ashley, so on the whole I'd think the NUSC are. But i think they are (for the most part) taking level headed action that doesn't have a negative impact on the team. Even though I do think a couple of their statements have been heavy handed. Poll on this forum shows only 20 percent think the NUSC represent their views. Do you reckon 70 percent of people on here are even more "anti-Ashley" than they are? This forum is VERY pro-Ashley. Or at least too forgiving (in my opinion) of his string of mistakes. I think it stems from previously being the most voiciferously anti-Shepherd forum and lots of posters still clinging onto the hope that the "anyone but Shepherd" view will be proved right...or at least not wanting to admit to NE5 he might have been on to something. But then, as I've said, Pro-NUSC <> Anti-Ashley. So that poll is unrelated to my estimate. Irrespective of people agreeing with the actions, aims or motives of the NUSC, I think at least 90% of fans would say they aren't happy with the direction of the club in the last 2 years. Although your reasoning logic and argumentation skill is sound, you're ultimate babbling on about nothing. It takes time for any kind of change in authority/leadership to make its mark, hence you don't see presidents elected for 1 or 2 year terms. We are suffering under Ashley for several reasons, one of which is the pure and decadent incompetence of the previous board. It's not about pro-Ashley or anti-Ashley, pro-NUSC or anti-NUSC, and where this forum lies on that spectrum. Just the mere suggestion by an idiotic opening-post made in another thread (agents provocateurs) that people who gave Ashley a chance are club moles shows that there is a certain element among the club's support that has lost complete sight of what really matters here, and that is NUFC. I couldn't give a f*** about NUSC as from day one, there was not a single notion that pointed toward supporting the name of the club and the players that run out onto the pitch in its colors, in order to achieve the highest placed finish possible.
  3. I hope the club will inform us about his well-being as soon as he's come out of the op
  4. Weren't four of those signed under Ashley's ownership? 3 I think. IIRC Geremi was signed by Allardyce under Shepherd still? Regardless, it was Ashley backing his manager
  5. Of course, when he doesn't play for us again this season, people will forget this, and will go on about the useless lazy Spanish twat Prisco or summat, and how he's Luque mkII, or Marcelino v7.0
  6. I think I love you Fantastic post. Bark up your own tree Ian Woan! I called shotgun on TLass
  7. It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else. Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here? The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem. His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous. They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job. We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again. It's that level of ambition. What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability. For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better! You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero. Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable. They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results. That is my take on it. Fair enough, but I'm not gonna shoot my load, pop a vein in my head and cry murder until nufc.co.uk confirm that JK has signed the contract extension. Fair? That's completely fair enough. And I admire your faith in Ashley, Llambias and Wise and the fact you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I wish I would, I just can't. It's not a case of me having faith in them. I'm just holding on to the faint hope that this is just a PR stunt as I can't bear to think what would happen to us should JK stay on for another 2 years or so.
  8. Don't be daft, Kinnear has done a good job and in the meantime Hughton will be excellent, why would we need someone else, we are in a great position. deluded. must be the water up in Scotland
  9. It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else. Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here? The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem. His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous. They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job. We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again. It's that level of ambition. What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability. For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better! You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero. Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable. They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results. That is my take on it. Fair enough, but I'm not gonna shoot my load, pop a vein in my head and cry murder until nufc.co.uk confirm that JK has signed the contract extension. Fair?
  10. It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else. Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here? The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem. His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous. They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job. We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again. It's that level of ambition. What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability. For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!
  11. It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.
  12. Other than his 250M outlay, yes you are correct. Which he tried to sell for big profit at the first sign of trouble yeh. How much was his asking price? How much big profit did he want to make?
  13. You think he could have got us 4 or 5 points out of 3 at West Brom then? And plus, Ray Houghton is still living off his goal against Italy in USA '94. The cunt!
  14. Right. Let me get this straight. You believe that JK is staying, because the club have apparently offered him a contract, but you don't believe the club about anything else that was answered in the Q&A? The only problem i had with the Q&A was the 'challenge everything in 5 years' - which lets be honest is quite a statement. When someone says they have been offered and doesn't get denied by people in charge. You can't really argue against it - as that is exactly what has happenned. There much be some substance to it. I dunno mate. We'll have to agree to disagree. I personally think the case could be similar to what Ikri posted a few posts up
  15. Right. Let me get this straight. You believe that JK is staying, because the club have apparently offered him a contract, but you don't believe the club about anything else that was answered in the Q&A?
  16. Are they allowed to modify the original plan? Is Kinnear in the new plan? Wise up mate! He isn't exactly going to come out and say they're ditching JFK in the summer! Absolutely love this smiley though....so i'm going to use it for the f*** of it They aren't ditching JFK though in plain to see mate. Everything that has came out of the club in regards to the future has indicated that Joe is going to be there, this offer of a long term contract - that he won't sign yet but it's in his desk - a pretty big clue. This ain't been rubbished by Newcastle. He is here to stay, and in my view they have planned for him to be here in the next 5 years and 'challenging' like Villa ..because he works well with Wisey and himself. when some people have an agenda, they can't see through the smog they produce when talking shit. tell me exactly why they would come out in public and rubbish the contract offer story? why exactly would they start handbags with the manager of their club, and quite possibly the only man lunatic enough to stay in this job at the moment?
  17. Well, I'm no accountant either. But as I understand it, it's not debt that they're afraid of. They however see the losses we're making at the moment as bad debt owed on poorly performing players such as Owen, Duff, Smith, Viduka. Players who have not earned their keep since being here. Once they get rid of these, I get the impression that they are not afraid of getting into the good debt by bringing in players that fit their long term plan of buying young and hungry contributors to the cause.
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