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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. yep, unlike the market for non english players. For example; Ross McCormack £11m Liam fcuking Brady £7m James chester £8m Fellaini £27.5m Lovren £20m Lukaku £28m Mata £37m Its almost as if the high transfer fees between english clubs are as a result of the enormous money in English football., rather than the nationality of a footballer, but let us never forget the golden rule of Newcastle Online. If you can spuriously figure out a way to slag off England in some sense, you take it, safe in the knowledge that if anyone contradicts you, just call them a member of the EDL and it will all get forgotten about. Gr8 country, gr8 people. English players carry a higher premium because of the "home-grown" rule. I bet you knew that though and still decided to bleat on about nothing.
  2. It isn't on the BBC Newcastle website. Either way i think they're covering Doncaster vs mackems.
  3. Hopefully the acquisition of Wijnaldum and Mitrovic will help us keep the ball higher up the pitch. Our inability to make the ball stick as far away from our fragile defence as possible has contributed massively to the number of arse-whoopings we've endured in recent seasons. Obviously the need for urgent attention to our back line is there, but I'm hoping McClaren and the coaching staff have a plan B in case we do have to go through the first part of the season with only Mbemba as an addition at the back.
  4. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    I would as well tbh. Not too sure about this Cathrobe character.
  5. This. I don't expect him to ask to leave. I expect him to improve though. Even marginal improvements in different areas of his game would make him less detestable. As it is, the cunt thinks he has it made, and I can't stand him for it.
  6. I do blame him for seemingly making zero effort to improve. It's telling about his character that he doesn't appear to recognize his weaknesses and try to counter them. His heading has got progressively worse for example, and for someone who must be thanking his lucky stars that he's anywhere near the premier league, he should have worked harder to improve to help the club that pays his living. Utter cunt IMO.
  7. NUFC will show them tapes of Iron Mike Englishman Williamson. Visa approved in a matter of seconds.
  8. He's such a knacker. Has the personality of a carrot.
  9. How the fuck is group A allowed when you see the rest of that shit
  10. Is shuttler a carrilero? trequartista?
  11. In all his time I don't think he's benefited from playing in different positions and taking on so many different roles. It's easy to forget his age, and this may have actually stunted his development as a footballer.
  12. Someone on twitter mentioned that Abdennour will sign for Barca this summer and be loaned out to us until January.
  13. Come off it man. There are no headers in Italy. Dummett wouldn't suit the Italian league because they're all soft shites who don't tackle either.
  14. Yes. Democratic Republic of Congo. Formerly known as Zaire.
  15. f*** that, any decent PL defender should be capable of controlling and passing a ball. If he can't do that I'd rather see him exposed for the useless fruad he is rather than let him be a coward and hoof it. It's so (un)funny watching s*** old Mike struggle to control a ball and put all his mental strength into activating every muscle/tendon/ligament/nerve needed to make a pass to a teammate. He's a vision of supreme concentration, putting his head down to reveal that lovely neck tattoo, turning his gleaming athletic torso towards the destination of the ball, before stroking it with the touch of a master. Makes it look like such hard laborious work the cunt. Aye he's decent alright
  16. I agree, in fact I'm going to go do it n
  17. No ta. I'd rudite have Williamson.
  18. Not really moving any goalposts. There was never any explanation for why MYM was dropped and shipped out so suddenly. In the handful of appearances he made for us, he had more standout performances than Williamson had had in his entire career. He was also better than Coloccini, whom he was bought to replace. The stat about winning headers means nowt in the grand context. The bolded is not true at all. Honestly, Dummett was more impressive at CB than MYM. I could see MYM was a very good footballer but a good defender? Not sold at all. At least in the PL. He seemed not to like the physicality, he hinted at that himself There's no deep-thinking. He was brought in to replace our captain, the captain didn't leave so the replacement did. It's that simple. The Colo/MYM partnership was awful the few times they played together. MYM not suited to the PL, but Williamson is?
  19. Not really moving any goalposts. There was never any explanation for why MYM was dropped and shipped out so suddenly. In the handful of appearances he made for us, he had more standout performances than Williamson had had in his entire career. He was also better than Coloccini, whom he was bought to replace. The stat about winning headers means nowt in the grand context. Yes Pardew is a shifty snake, and a liar, and isn't fit to manage a football club that means so much to so many. But don't make him out to be some sort of deep thinker for getting shot of MYM because of some stand-alone stat. We could all see MYM's weaknesses, but could also see that he was an immense defender overall, and miles better than Williamson. Don't use the stat as a reason for why he was hooked, when the bloke excelled in so many other areas of the game. He was sold because Pardew was out of his depth and couldn't keep a happy squad. Nowt more, nowt less.
  20. So you're trying to say that it was a shrewd move by the wily fox al pards to get rid of someone who can't win aerial challenges. What about keeping and persisting with Williamson who can't play football? I firmly believe MYM was brought in to replace Colo. Colo stayed and we had no use for MYM. The few times they played together, they where awful. You shouldn't have CB's with the same weaknesses, especially if it's aerial ability (we do suffer from slow ass defenders though). MYM's best performances came alongside Willo IIRC as they had the most complimentary styles. Pace and ball carrying with I guess height. IMO it's Colo staying that put MYM into the stands. Douglas was meant to be the Willo replacement. And yet time after time al pards told us how happy he was with the squad and its depth. Good for him that loveable douche.
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