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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. He passed it to Raylor for the goal? [/massivestrawclutching]
  2. Did okay, was not helped by our wingers severe lack of movement
  3. He really has been poor for some time now, concedes stupid free kicks and them offers nothing of note going forward. Probably worth giving fergie a few games instead
  4. He should have got rid as soon as he got the ball, he can't pass at the best of times so what was he hoping to achieve by holding onto it I think we should Tavernier a go, surely can't be worse than this guy
  5. The guy is not a footballer, that much is clear. At best he will do average defensively BUT he offers nowt going forward. He can't control a ball and his passing is woeful I hope we revoke the contract offer because i can't stand the thought of him being our rb for the next few years
  6. Good luck to him :clap: A 30 yarder past Reina would be a nice end to 2011
  7. Fitness is just an excuse, why else would he have started 3 games in a row? Pardew for whatever reason prefers other players to him
  8. Flat 4-4-2 I think Don't think it will be a flat 4-4-2, more of a 4-5-1 (4-3-3) with Bellamy on the left and Downing on the right
  9. Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Skrtel, Agger, Adam, Henderson, Spearing, Downing, Carroll, Bellamy. Subs: Doni, Maxi, Kuyt, Gerrard, Carragher, Shelvey, Kelly.
  10. I would not be so sure with Pardew, Vuckic is a big lad so he might still do that
  11. What is the point of having Sammy, Shola and Best on the bench. Should have Abeid/Gosling instead of 1 of those
  12. No Ben Arfa :rant: Delighted Ba is starting Good luck to Vuckic, hopefully he smacks a 30 yarder past Reina
  13. Why are they surprised? He did a shit job with us, so we are hardly going to think the sun shines out of his arse like they do
  14. If we go 4-4-2 with Best up front we will lose comfortably as we will barely get to see the ball with us just lumping it to Best
  15. You are right Hopefully Tiote and Colo can get through today Last season Tiote had 14 yellows and 1 red in 28 games, this season he has 4 yellows in 12 games so there has been a slight improvement on that front
  16. They get a clean slate, just unlucky for us we are playing on the 31st. A fairer way would be for it to apply for the match today and tomorrows games
  17. Disappointed BUT can't say I am surprised They clearly don't care too much about pushing the club forward, it is all about staying in the division with as little cost as possible We are in a great position and all it takes is a couple of signings (they don't have to be huge fees or panic buys) to ensure we will finish 7th no problem and maybe even push for 6th BUT I can see us dropping down the table, especially if Ba gets injured
  18. Will start around 20th July, so he will be fasting during pre season and the start of the season
  19. How many starts has it been in the league for him, 15? #divertingitbacktofooty
  20. I think you will find most studies find people with religion have generally happier and more fulfilled lives than those that don't. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_and_happiness Oh, please! Your comment about feeling sorry for Demba because he is religious was ridiculous I am certain he does not need your sympathy
  21. wow well as a current Muslim it makes me proud seeing Demba represent :smitten: The closest I have to a religion now is..... NUFC..... and I'm damn proud of it! I love NUFC too
  22. I heard that Gary Cahill spat at Demba Ba? I only watched Football First and they didn't show it
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