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Everything posted by Pandamninator

  1. The fifth best one. I assume were back on the Arsenal model now that the Aston Villa is out of vouge?
  2. Since when? Northumbria Police confirmed they'd never advised him anything. He never said that was where the advice came from. That is where the papers went with it. If you don't think he felt, and by extension his family were threatend and he was adivised that that was the case, then that is bollock imho. Threats were made to him, iirc on some of the main supporter sites for a start, christ knows what the press office got.
  3. Wait... you mean Keegan didn't quit because Ashley wouldn't give him 250 million pounds so he could buy Beckham, Henry and Ronaldinho?
  4. Just thought I'd widen the debate. http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00060/keegan4_60913t.jpg Does not approve.
  5. Liverpool fans on RAWK still deluding themselves that Rafa is better then the Special One. "Maureen"... can't argue with that.
  6. Pandamninator

    Kenny Huang

    The threat of a state televised execution might motivate Kevin Nolan to stop being a lump.
  7. How does Hodgson get a point for barely beating last seasons 5th placed Turkish team, but Parky doesn't get one for Liverpool blowing 2 points in the 90th minute, then getting raped by Manchester City?
  8. Andy Carroll + 3 million dollars.
  9. You didn't need to see the date. 21 years old Scolari behind Liverpool in the title race Did you not read what he said, it doesn't matter, it shows the dealings to today transfer links. you don't have to take it to personal attacks imo You call that a personal tax? Boy, has the world got a surprise for you when you get out there...
  10. I personally find it racialist. This has been part of african culture for generations! Dating all the way back to their ancestors in 1997 AD.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8820649.stm sad just give it up terry - if you love football that much drop your wages and go and play for a hometown or favourite team in France Yeah, how disgusting of him, getting a big fat paycheque to live in New York City. What a horrible little man.
  12. to be fair, it's not that far away...also the french team died of old age after 2000 - there's plenty left in this spanish side Didn't the 1998 side still provide the backbone of the team that came 2nd in 2006?
  13. As the only undefeated team in the World Cup do we get some sort of bonus prize?
  14. Barton has always struck me as the guy who doesn't mind a good moshpit, all those elbows flying everywhere...
  15. Would've been two draws, a win and first place if it wasn't for that cunt De Rossi.
  16. Personally rather they just used yellow and red cards to determine who went through rather then lots to be honest.
  17. Italy. They'll draw with Slovakia and we will beat Paraguay.
  18. Fuck yes. I knew there had to be a connection. I used to post there as well when the game wasn't so shit. Stayed there for the off-topic section, which had a core group of guys and he was one of them. Eventually the site imploded and we've move onto a few others. Yeah, i'm on VSN The Gamers Lab at the moment, although I don't really post there anymore, VSN was the only post-MM exodus site where I was really a truly active member. Hopefully Panda won't mind me taking his old name, probably still busy trying to convince everyone he wasn't Boatang to notice.
  19. To be honest... stole it off my brother who used it as his X-Box gamer tag. Although he stole it off some guy on a Madden forum we used to frequent back when the game wasn't so shit.
  20. The final sub in that game play's for a mid table team in our local league... he's an amateur who works in a bank during the week.
  21. 93rd minute... cos that's how we roll bitches.
  22. TBF Simunic did his best to go and get himself sent off in that game, Poll just wouldn't play along.
  23. Boo, Collingwood! Boooooooooooooooooo! EDIT: That said, the constant disappointment of supporting the Pies is excellent training to be a Toon fan Collingwood have alway's struck me as the Mackems of the AFL. It's a shithole and a second rate club with an inferiorty complex to go with it.
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