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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Jill

    Nile Ranger

    Massive overreaction, but nonetheless.
  2. Jill

    Nile Ranger

    Now that is a bit sad.
  3. Thanks for jinxing us If I really wanted to jinx us, I'd be at the game.
  4. Well, in an alarming display of positivity, I've put a bet on us to win. Fucking come on lads.
  5. Well thankfully I'm going to be on a train for most of the game. Don't think I could bear to watch it. I only hope to fuck we actually turn up and don't roll over and die without any sign of a fight.
  6. Jill

    U23s & Academy

    Damn, I was wanting to go tonight but I can't anymore. Not been to the reserves in ages.
  7. Personally I thought it was the usual rubbish bar a couple of alright spells.
  8. At home, I was in the living room and saw it on TV then ran through to the kitchen and told my dad, except I was so excited it took me about 3 attempts to make him understand. Then we both ran to the bedroom and told my mam, who didn't care.
  9. Wonder if I can pretend to have a meeting and nip out to the pub...
  10. Jill

    Wise Gone

  11. Very disappointing, I must say. We live just round the corner from SJP and wor lad went by this morning on his way to work and there was nee fucker there! Just got back into town after a visit to my mam's and no one about then either. They still managed to find a few dodgy feckers on the beeb though...
  12. There's always Jonas's buns to keep you happy. He just does not do it for me.
  13. Can't believe you cunts got my hopes up for some Gary Speed eye candy and I get Ian Dowie???!!!
  14. I actually think I would faint if Gary Speed came back. :smitten: :smitten:
  15. An interesting, but very grim read. I'm so thankful I'm not old enough to have any memory of the day.
  16. Why? Nothing to lose against Arsenal at the moment. Because I can't find anything better to do than go and watch the shower of shit.
  17. I like a good drink on matchdays, more so than the football at the moment, but I'd never be arsed about drinking during the game. It's too expensive, everyone would get soaked, people would be backwards & forwards the whole time, not just for pints but for the toilet because they've had more drink... nah, it's not for me like. Anyway, part of the fun for me is the first pint after the match, whether it's for celebration or consolation, because it's always soooo refreshing.
  18. I feel sick at the thought of this game being next.
  19. I'm 90% certain I'll renew my season ticket (as long as nothing major damages my finances). Might look to move to a cheaper area of the ground. I'd probably also go to a few away games, as I like to visit new grounds.
  20. Jill


    :lol: at Shearer not being a Toon fan. I didn't see MOTD but he's probably as sick as everyone else of the usual Liverpool wankfest you get from some of the other pundits, so he wouldn't want to act the same over his own team and therefore tries a more neutral/balanced view. Nowt in it.
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