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Everything posted by Jill

  1. 95/96 easily. I was really getting into football as well around then (my dad was taking me to more games) and it was heartbreaking. FA Semi 2000 next, followed by Lisbon. I was fucking foaming after the Lisbon game. I think I fell out with my entire family for about a fortnight after throwing the biggest hissy fit possible.
  2. This. Radio is unlucky for me, so I've banned myself from listening (though I can normally hear upstairs' radio anyway..)
  3. Jill

    The Mackems Game

    This. I'm completely and utterly dreading it. My mate from work is having her son's christening while the match is on and said she understood I'd want to go to the match, so we agreed I wouldn't go. Now I wish I'd said I'd go to the christening, at least then I'd have a nice day out too look forward to. URGGH! Dunno. Think her husband's a bit pussywhipped like. What on Earth is wrong with her?
  4. Jill

    The Mackems Game

    This. I'm completely and utterly dreading it. My mate from work is having her son's christening while the match is on and said she understood I'd want to go to the match, so we agreed I wouldn't go. Now I wish I'd said I'd go to the christening, at least then I'd have a nice day out too look forward to. URGGH!
  5. Own goals? I think we'll lose, boring 1-0. I like being wrong when it comes to football.
  6. This. I work at a solicitors and on a couple of occasions we've had players seek contractual advice about wanting to get treatment in their home country and the club disagreeing. Nowt in it really, as you say it's just what they trust.
  7. Can our next away kit be something along the lines of..... http://www.dorkatorium.co.uk/pictures/toonaway4copy.jpg
  8. My attempts to avoid the radio/streams are in vain as I can hear the radio from the flat above me.
  9. At least in the new year I can look forward to strolling across the Bigg Market for a sandwich at lunchtimes without risking seeing that ugly twat's mug. Last time I saw him he had massive sunglasses on and was waving at someone in KFC, I would've called him a cunt but I was too embarrassed to even speak to him.
  10. http://www.dorkatorium.co.uk/pictures/shirt4copy.jpg I really need to quite while I'm behind. Someone find me something more interesting to do than this. Agree btw the Inter one wins by a mile. It'll never happen though. And I never even buy them anyway.
  11. http://www.dorkatorium.co.uk/pictures/toon7copy.jpg
  12. I'm confused. Think I'll put money on the draw....
  13. Don't be so daft. We'll get beat because I'M going. Ooh, double negative, we'll win I'm going though. There's always one.
  14. Don't be so daft. We'll get beat because I'M going. Ooh, double negative, we'll win
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