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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Congrats at the win, ultimately only one team looked like a football team and showed some backbone today, Honestly think that could of ended up as more than 0-3. You'll struggle to find an easier 3 points all season.
  2. Must be delighted he hasn't signed permemnantly, imagine that being your first game
  3. Southampton/Man u/Spurs/Mackems/Wolves. £1 on each. Spurs/Southampton £1. Spurs/Southampton/Man U. £1 Southampton/Man U/Spurs/ Mackems, £1 on all 4. Wolves/spurs/Man u. £1 Wolves/Spurs/Man U/Southampton. £1
  4. Imagine selling cabaye, then going and selling Cisse too, making sure we go into the summer with Gouffran as our only striker.
  5. Oh fuck off Wonga, not those clapper things, second most annoying sound in football behind the Vuvuzela
  6. Joins Dundee on loan for the rest of the season.
  7. So is bridcutt their 4th player this window? Isn't that 18 new players this season? I'm sure they brought in 14 players in the summer...
  8. time to move onto plan b: http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-01/enhanced/webdr02/28/19/anigif_enhanced-buzz-6342-1390957111-13.gif
  9. Google translate is brilliant. from that forum: "But why sell brothel? You piss me off celebrations!"
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