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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Good run by cisse and a good ball, nice idea with the finish.... Shame about the rest of the match.
  2. Feel really weird watching a home Match without actually being there
  3. Pardew must think most fans are thick to believe that bollocks I honestly believe that he thinks that of himself.
  4. West Ham one place below us as it stands, that whole bottom 10 are ridiculously close.
  5. Every single year they get an absolute lush black and white shirt. and we get something that looks like the dregs from Ashley's sweatshop.
  6. Arsenal Aston Villa Birmingham Blackburn Cardiff Carlisle Crystal Palace Everton Gateshead Hartlepool. Leeds United Liverpool Middlesbrough Newcastle United Norwich Nottingham Forest Southampton Swansea City Sheffield Wednesday Watford.
  7. The insanely high amount of people, even on here, who spell Sammy with an I.
  8. may as well add the cup game, 4 in 8 is hardly much better
  9. I think a disabled season ticket is the same price as a regular one, but usually comes with a free one for their carer (that could be nonsense). RE: Tron, yeah, I think a simple quiet word, just telling them that club policy doesn't allow it, so don't do it again sort of thing would of been fine. Fair enough if it was a repeat offender taking up space reserved for disabled people on a regular basis, then yeah take it off them, but as a one off, it seems a bit of an over the top response by the club.
  10. exactly, my disabled next door neighbour asked me a while ago if I knew anyone who would want his ticket for the Norwich game because his son couldn't make it and he didn't feel comfortable going with anyone else as he's pretty self-conscious about his disability, ridiculous to think that that alone could of seen him have his season ticket taken off him. I mean, me dad can't make a couple of games every season, yet there's never been a problem with other people using his season ticket, don't see why a disabled fan should be more harshly treated. What if an adult uses a child ticket? That, I could understand the club taking action against, if it was being used by an adult on a regular basis and therefore costing the club money, but an adult not allowed to use another adult's season ticket on one occasion is just farcical.
  11. exactly, my disabled next door neighbour asked me a while ago if I knew anyone who would want his ticket for the Norwich game because his son couldn't make it and he didn't feel comfortable going with anyone else as he's pretty self-conscious about his disability, ridiculous to think that that alone could of seen him have his season ticket taken off him. I mean, me dad can't make a couple of games every season, yet there's never been a problem with other people using his season ticket, don't see why a disabled fan should be more harshly treated.
  12. so 7 managers now sacked. of those that remain; Moyes, Pellegrini, Martinez, Hughes and Mourinho are all new this season too. getting a bit ridiculous now
  13. Maybe we're such a shambles even this cunt wanted no part of it?
  14. Personally I find myself caught inbetween a rock and a hard place. I fully support the idea of people en mass giving up their season tickets etc. But at the same time I know I won't join, to a certain extent I still enjoy going to the match, even if good football is few and far between and usually found in any shirt other than black and white. I do feel at that our inability to agree on a corse of action as a collective group will be any sort is protest's downfall, as well as our unimportance, which is a pretty tough thing to say really, The fat cunt in charge only cares about his balance sheet, and we are increasingly a small part of that, this summer the club will get £60million from tv right, while to reduce income by £10million roughly 20,000 people would have to give up their season ticket. Ah fuck, maybe I am part of the problem.
  15. The Ryan Taylor tactic, not a bad idea.
  16. Seemed like a nasty atmosphere towards the end, don't think I've ever Seen it that bad, couple of times fans almost started fighting amongst themselves near me (in the Leazes) and the 3 fans running on to the pitch.
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