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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. £2 free bet and another £2.50 on Galtier
  2. those curtains are so fucking ugly.
  3. Wat? That's precisely what has happened. Wel, if you replace 'abuse' with 'had his flaws pointed out'
  4. See you all in the hungover thread tomorrow. goodnight all. Glad to have a glimpse of the NUFC i love back.
  5. Madrid would be class too. Zidane, Ronaldo, Hierro, Di Stefano, Owen. Best XI to play together has to be Milan though. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/010/334/U-WOT-M8.jpg Good to see Colback looking well.
  6. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/197/247/Fap.gif
  7. Release clause my arse, not a cat in hells chance that they've paid around £5 million for this shitcunt.
  8. having some Glenlivet myself to celebrate tonight! saving Armagnac for the official announcement
  9. That was a thing of pure beauty.
  10. presumably too late for an official announcement?
  11. Post of the year award right here!
  12. Borussia Dortmund manager Jurgen Klopp has turned down the job at Newcastle United - but his brother, Klippity, is believed to be giving it serious consideration...
  13. Hope for no more updates for an hour or so, I'm off for tea
  14. pretty much how i'm feeling right now
  15. He might not be sacked but IT'S PARTY TIME
  16. http://img.pandawhale.com/81257-Ron-Swanson-dont-care-gif-lMgn.gif
  17. this has made my fucking year. cannot believe it
  18. Because we currently have Pardew? and he did a decent job at Palace, they were playing some decent stuff under him
  19. N-O fundraiser for Crystal Palace to pay the compensation?
  20. Zeman is free http://s9.postimg.org/exw9vo1tr/Zeman_kick_off2.jpg
  21. Not a chance Howe would leave his club being so close to something so impressive as back to back promotions. would anyone give Ketsbaia a job? did a great job managing in Cyprus and loves the club Edit: I see I've been beaten to posting about the beautiful baldy
  22. If he dosn't get sacked/ceremonial chucked into off by the Tyne bridge on fire I'm blaming whoever changed the thread title
  23. holy fuck, is there any actual chance of this happening?!
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