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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Ludicrously bad from Falcao, almost a shame how much he's declined, at least it would be if he played for anyone else.
  2. maybe_next_year

    John Carver

    Absolutly hopless... Still better than Pardew mind.
  3. I'm a member of the Anita fan club, but what's the point in playing him when were attempting head tennis in the land of the giants.
  4. Won a few decent headers. Was still mostly his useless self.
  5. So does anyone give a toss about this match? do stoke fans? I mean they're in a similar position to us in terms of on the pitch, but lack the apathy-inducing shitness of everything else about our club these days.
  6. More worried about what time I'll get home after this than the result.
  7. http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/80822000/jpg/_80822019_objects.jpg some of the items thrown onto the pitch collected by a reporter.: who brings half a plate to a football match?
  8. So you think someone so ill that they can rationalise the idea of taking their own lives, are well enough to see the damage that will do to others and are in a position where they're well enough to think rationally about the choices in front of them? I'm sure you mean well, but this is a really ignorant viewpoint. Just the same as someone losing their temper and killing someone then. Can't help it. Should release all the peedos, it's an illness. Just monumentally ridiculous. He's ill, in the same way people who get chrons disease are ill. Your solution is to put people in jail. Utterly retarded. He's ill in the same way as lots of mental illnesses can create violent situations, and they wil be punished. I don't see why depression gets a free ride. There are serial killers, sex offenders etc..who can't help it. They don't want to be like that, they don't want to be ill, their actions will be serverly punished. If he drove his car in to oncoming traffic you think he should get away with that? Just because he uses his body as a weapon which could have killed he should be let off? lots of mental illnesses don't create 'violent situations' and If a 'violent situation' occurs because of a mental illness, then they should get the necessary treatment to relieve them of that illness or at least to treat it in the safest way possible if it is incurable , such as being placed (sectioned if necessary) in an appropriate psychiatric ward or hospital , in the same way the bloke who had the heart attack in Glasgow won't be done for murder, because being ill is not that persons fault. depression clearly doesn't get a free ride, when people who are so ill they attempt suicide are met with such outdated archaic and quite frankly, harmful views.
  9. So you think someone so ill that they can rationalise the idea of taking their own lives, are well enough to see the damage that will do to others and are in a position where they're well enough to think rationally about the choices in front of them? I'm sure you mean well, but this is a really ignorant viewpoint. Just the same as someone losing their temper and killing someone then. Can't help it. Should release all the peedos, it's an illness. Did you just seriously just compare depression to paedophilia? Jesus fucking christ , I take back what I said about you meaning well.
  10. Kicked out for cheating before the tournament, reinstated and allowed to host it and now the fans do this. what a farce
  11. So you think someone so ill that they can rationalise the idea of taking their own lives, are well enough to see the damage that will do to others and are in a position where they're well enough to think rationally about the choices in front of them? I'm sure you mean well, but this is a really ignorant viewpoint.
  12. I'm up for playing if there's room. Probably best not to ask me to play upfront though, as I have the shooting ability of a love child born from an ungodly ménage à trois between Riviere, Shola and Altidore
  13. ffs who said romance was dead.
  14. What an attention seeking cunt (Ralf not Clarke obviously)
  15. Ralf Little @RalfLittle · 52m 52 minutes ago Oh dear. Looks like Clarke Carlisle's going to get away with it - AGAIN. #Teflon #nonstick Ralf Little @RalfLittle · 39m 39 minutes ago Seems people want context about previous tweet. So let me say, I know the full story and it's not what's portrayed in the media. That's all. Ralf Little @RalfLittle · 26m 26 minutes ago On reflection some of you are right - that tweet requires context. So bear with - driving. Bout 20 mins. Ralf Little @RalfLittle · 7m 7 minutes ago Ok, back now so here goes, but this will be be over a few so hear them out before steaming in, and I'll try and explain... Uh oh...
  16. if Gerrard scores the winner there won't be enough faces in the world to describe it.
  17. I just wish they'd shown Gerrard's face after that went in
  18. Ivory Coast through to the final. You'd think they'd finally win one of these this time.
  19. Just gone 1-0 down. They might actually get relegated. Would be a huge kick in the bollocks for the football hipsters. Would be, nowt worse than those who like teams who play attacking football and challenge the elite. Should of heeded our board's warnings about the dangers of relegation when trying to win things.
  20. Ivory Coast 3-1 up now. should be game over.
  21. http://www.espnfc.us/blog/espn-fc-united-blog/68/post/2281708/remy-cabella-voted-espn-fc-player-of-the-month-for-january he's won it
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