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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Kick off delayed, Sheffield are stuck in traffic
  2. You comfy up there on your high horse?
  3. I'd agree with most of this, however I think a good appointment as manager could as him a great midfielder and Show just how good he is.
  4. Problem is, the role he was asked to play today (a defensive midfielder protecting the back four) dosnt suit him at all, he needs to be played a bit further forward, dictating play. Nothing more depressing than seeing us trying to defend by having Anita challenge for headers.
  5. Really annoys me that fans of clubs like ours are just meant to accept being shit. When clubs like Southampton prove what can be done when your a 'small' club.
  6. Invisible until Anita went off, even then he was average
  7. To be fair I think Gouffran has improved since Pardew left, I've even seen him attack a couple of times. Still not good enough like.
  8. hope it stays 2-2, love a good penalty shoot out (that doesn't involve us)
  9. fucking Cole man, he just won't go away
  10. I'm pretty sure at one point in the 90s (97ish maybe) we had around the 5th biggest income in the world, even bigger than yours! How things have changed
  11. FIFA fair play award goes to 'volunteers' wonder if that includes the illegal workers who died building the stadiums in Qatar.
  12. Fuck him, the moment you think its okay to abuse your own fans is the moment you should leave, instead of hanging around being Pardew's cheerleader.
  13. Crystal Palace should still be a guaranteed 3 points now though, Pardew never could beat Poyet, derby match or not.
  14. every single time he crossed the ball its the same thing over and over again, he'll hit it fast and hard but too long. never seems to look up before crossing it.
  15. losing definitely doesn't feel as bad when we've at least had a go and played well
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