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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Whoops, zoned out and missed meadow well should still be there on time.
  2. I'll be heading straight from this to the match I think, won't be able to join you for anything afterwards I'm afraid but I'm up for a few pints between this and the Newcastle match if people are hanging around then. Howay team B!
  3. How much would your average academy kid be on? Doubt it would be all that much really. Anyway, it's a strange argument to make. They make their money by training and performing in matches, not by being forced to sit through endless sessions of boring Pardew hoofball. Think quite a lot are on £1k a week.
  4. Just to warn the rest of team b, I'm terrible
  5. Heavy presence by them in town, good to see.
  6. Pardew blaming the fans for a second game in a row, the carver incident caught on camera and picked up by a few newspapers and now the goalkeeper coach calling a fan a prick. its all falling apart very rapidly
  7. tell him to punch Pardew in the cunt on behalf of his father!
  8. maybe_next_year

    John Carver

    So refraining from acting like that constitutes a 'stab in the back'? Shut up. No, I meant more by agreeing with the fans. He's basically stood up for his mate. Why are their such double standards in football? We're allowed to call players, referees, managers and coaches whatever we like, but as soon as someone does it back we grab our handbags and cry about it? Bloody ridiculous. It said sackpardew.com, he called them a cunt. imagine if that was any other business. If someone said your manager should be sacked, you turned round and called them a fucking cunt and offered to 'sort them out' you'd be fired quicker than you could finish that sentence and rightly so.
  9. Why has he talked to ssn if he's bottled the proper press conference?
  10. Can't think of a person whose had a bigger fall from grace than Carver, from Sir Bobby's assistant to offering to fight our own fans to defend Pardew. Sad to see really.
  11. No one is denying Ashley is the root, but Pardew is the worst symptom that simply cannot get any worse.
  12. Bloke in the pub just smashed his bottle off the bar and stormed off. I think he just summed up Pardew in one glorious moment
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